
Матеріал з Луцький НВК "Гімназія №14"

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High blood pressure describes an ailment by which your heart is pumping blood during your veins at a pressure or pressure that's regarded above standard. It is usual to have a HBP when you are undergoing intense physical exercise, but when you have it in resting states it becomes abnormal.

Hypertension is present when you have a resting blood pressure that's calculated to be above 140/90 mmHg.

HBP becomes more common as you age, and is really a relatively common condition in people.

Hypertension does not often produce any symptoms, hence it's other name: 'the silent killer', but can lead to serious difficulties. There are various states of HBP that may be experienced in individuals, with respect to the intensity - delicate, mild or severe.

While high-blood pressure is just a condition occurring more commonly with age, it's associated with numerous risk facets. Many people could be more prone to getting it if it's common in the family. It may be the consequence of an un-healthy lifestyle.

Obesity and not enough physical exercise can lead to this infection in persons. Having a diet that's large is sodium in addition has been found to give rise to this disorder too. Consuming plenty of liquor also can predispose individuals to it as well.

Furthermore, the consequences of this illness can be made worse should you smoke, eat an eating plan high in fat, have high cholesterol and/or have diabetes.

There are different ways it is possible to address and prevent this problem. First of all, chasing a healthier life style using a low-fat, high-fiber and low-salt diet and normal physical exercise, may help lessen your blood pressure. Also, ensuring you have a healthy weight is essential too, and this is often maintained by a healthy diet and exercise.

The areas within our body can handle resisting this increase in blood-pressure for some time now. This condition can therefore go un-noticed. That's why it's important to check it regularly.

Despite perhaps not producing any symptoms, this infection can lead to several situations if it goes untreated for-a long period of time. It may cause heart disappointment, heart attack, kidney disease, and stroke.

There are certain medications that are with the capacity of producing this condition also. It's maybe not certain whether some types of tension can impact blood-pressure.

You need to restrict your alcohol intake and stop smoking. Besides taking on a healthier lifestyle, you can take anti-hypertensive medications that'll help lower your blood-pressure. If you suffer from HBP you require the advice from your physician on how to manage your problem , i.e. this one.

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