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Матеріал з Луцький НВК "Гімназія №14"

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Much spiritual practice may be defined as an attempt to reach as well as manage balance, on a worldly level, in order that the spiritual consciousness might awaken and come forward. Among the characteristics of our physical body is the continual effort to maintain a state of homeostasis and relative quiet. From a spiritual perspective this quiet or balance is necessary to ensure that that the traveler may go above the surface level and experience what is far below, in the quiet depths, ultimately using this awareness consciously in life.

In each and every day life purpose ('s website) what is required, is a balance between our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs; to fully engage in the world, each bodily system essential to express the many parts of our self. It is said, the entire system has to be operating and in balance- as a way to achieve full active living and a state of optimal health. The truth is, this really is among the requirements of the Teaching; that the spiritual traveler be an average, well balanced member of their community.

To implement it ordinary equilibrium, what are required are correct quantities of work, play, leisure and social engagement. We are multi-level beings, with an assortment of needs, desires and ways to express our self; all of which has to be operating in unison to reach a full active life. And once this synchronicity of parts is achieved, as God/Light Wills, some thing else might come forward and begin to operate- the spiritual awareness.

So in reality, for the spiritual traveler, the very first step is to be an ordinary, balanced citizen who is integrated into their family and society- then the spiritual consciousness can more conveniently be added. Most generally, travelers go on a spiritual search, long before they have achieved worldly balance searching for the missing piece. At this level, often the missing piece is simply an facet of normal, healthy living: such as feeling important, having a social group, or expressing self in the world. Hence their search for higher consciousness is doomed from the start, since they are substituting one thing for another and settling for 'fool's gold.'

How is spiritual balance not the same as healthy, balanced living? Or is it different?

Usually as we are discussing spiritual balance, we have been discussing a systematic activation of the spiritual centers; usually this really is done over a period of time, in sequence, and under the guidance or grace of a spiritual path. This balance is in addition to/or complimentary to balanced healthy living that most travelers are seeking through expressing self on earth.

On the other hand, one must not forget that things are spiritual, so, in a sense the effort toward balanced healthy living and homeostasis is also a spiritual quest.

Many seem to be on a spiritual quest, who externally don't appear to be balanced? In fact several of these spiritual travelers seem a little odd. Please comment.

For some, this appears to be an accurate assessment. Many begin a spiritual search, searching for the missing piece, long before they are grounded within their society and have achieved an overall balance expressing self in the world. They become fascinated by a teaching because it will provide them with something which they lack (feeling important, expressing self, finding happiness, being with like minded people); as opposed to asking self, what they can offer the Teaching.

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