How Important Is Entrepreneur Qualities Ten Expert Sources

Матеріал з Луцький НВК "Гімназія №14"

Версія від 18:30, 21 грудня 2021; HalinaBusch513 (обговорення | внесок)
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Leadership and branding are hot subjects. Leadership development programs are very popular. There are plenty of conferences and seminars on the subject of branding. Leadership development and brand development consume a great deal of resources of businesses.

Leadership means different things to different people. It means capability to inspire. Leadership is charisma, courage, as well as sacrifice. Leadership requires vision. Leadership is discussed in rarefied atmosphere of CEO conferences, business (just click for source) schools, HR meets, and strategy meets. There seems to be an unstated and unanimous agreement that leadership is too important, too-sweeping-in-its-scope, too-good-to-be-described, and therefore too-complex-to-be-systematically-deployed concept. Everybody is convinced that such indescribable leadership has to be good for just about any organization.

Branding too captures imagination of men and women. For some CEO's it's a reverential bowing item to be ticked off the agenda. For CFO s it's a black hole of money. Sales people think it's a watering hole for unsuccessful ex-salesmen. For M & A specialists it really is a valuation game. It's a playground of creativity for advertising agencies. It's PR first for PR agencies. For many, branding means eye catching, entertaining, beautiful visual and audio communications or smart copy. Everybody knows branding and everyone has definite opinions about it.

The answer could possibly be found in people, since leadership and brands exist in minds of men and women. Brands provide neat and crisp symbols denoting product performance levels, shared experiences, dreams, aspiration and expectations of actual and potential users.

Who will deny that leadership too deals with shared dreams, aspirations, and expectations of all stake holders -customers, employees, vendors and others? Like brands, leaders are seen as icons. Similarly, leadership without its own constituency is unthinkable. Leaders build constituencies through shared understanding of goals and ways to achieve them.

How do communities come into existence? A unique feature, a benefit, some newness, or drama sets people talking. When folks talk, when they integrate products within their lives, when they constantly share their experiences, problems, or solutions communities are formed. Communities could also be built around new categories of products. People love to talk. They need to share things. It's for a company to generate or articulate such uniqueness, to express it evocatively, and to nudge and support its customers into sharing it. Can this be completed by marketing department alone? Can this happen by bombarding customers with ads, direct mail, or price promotions? Can this happen without having a strong leadership? The answer is no. Brands may seem to come into existence through some accidents. But is takes sustained and consistent efforts to bring about branding.

Just as brands raise the bar of customer expectations, leaders broaden horizons of their people. They inspire people to outdo themselves. Leadership means moving way from authority to respect, and from respect to inspiration.

Leaders must have vision, mission, and agenda for their constituencies. They can be being constantly observed, emulated, or criticized. They need to make statement all of the time. Successful leaders know this intuitively and develop distinctive styles of their very own.

Some CEO's become great leaders without the formal training. But that does not reduce importance of training and learning. Just about everyone can improve leadership skills through systematic efforts. Learning Leadership requires sustained efforts. Leadership coaching might help in accelerating leadership development.

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