Chinese Wholesale Vendors Wholesale Dress China
Матеріал з Луцький НВК "Гімназія №14"
- Hey guys, welcome back.
I'm Khierstyn.
In today's video, we're asking a question
that was posed by Capital Exteriors
and it was what's on a lot
of people's minds right now
so I wanted to address this in a video.
Is China still the go-to
place to manufacture products?
And I think that it's not
a strict yes or no answer.
So I want to talk about some pros and cons
and things to consider in 2021,
after the 'rona and everything
that's going on politically in the world,
whether you should still look
to manufacture in China or domestically.
So first off, if you have not heard,
this month we are doing a giveaway
to grow our YouTube family.
So in the giveaway contest,
what we're giving away on January 25th
is our brand new training
on how to market test
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you get the training,
and you get the ad copy, the scripts,
and everything that we do in-house
with our one-on-one clients
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to see whether or not
there's intent to purchase,
if people are going to buy your product.
And even most importantly,
if your product passes the
market validation test.
It's a system that's meant to
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So there's a link to a
video with more information
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And then on January 26, we
announce one of three winners
for this brand new
product validation system.
So back to the original question,
is China still the place to manufacture?
Well, as I mentioned, there's not
a straight yes or no answer.
I work with beginners,
where you are sourcing your first product,
and I also work with existing brands
that still to this day
manufacture in China.
So despite everything
that's going on right now,
do I still think China is a
great place to manufacture?
But with the political climate
and things with tariffs
and everything happening right now
with travel restrictions, et cetera,
it just means that should you
want to manufacture in China,
there are some things
you need to consider.
So if this is your very first product,
I first off recommend that
you look to get quotes
from China as well as domestically,
because I think it's
important for you to start
to get experience to see
what the differences are,
culturally, price-wise, and service-wise,
between someone you can work with locally,
in the US or in your hometown,
or across seas with China.
So first things first, what
are some things to consider
when dealing with China?
Well, the big draw for
manufacturing in China
comes down to the pretense that
it's typically cheaper to manufacture.
And in the past, that
has absolutely been true,
but it's not always the case.
Things to consider,
especially if you are
importing to a 3PL in the US,
is you want to get quotes from China
but also take a look at
what's called the landed cost.
The landed cost is going to be your cost,
once the goods have been,
not only manufactured,
but shipped over from China,
either air freight or by sea,
you also want to look at any tariffs
or duties that have been slapped on, okay?
When you look at the final bill,
that's something to consider
because manufacturing in China
isn't as cheap as it used to be
because there are additional
taxes and shipping
that you do need to
take into consideration
with your landed costs.
It may actually turn out that,
depending on the kind of
product you're manufacturing,
it may actually be about the same price
or a little bit cheaper to
manufacture domestically.
So that's definitely something
to take into consideration.
Another thing we have,
I got my nice list here,
another thing that we find is that,
I have known China, Chinese manufacturers,
to be really hungry for business.
So you will, again, this
is not like cut and dry,
but typically China manufacturers
they offer really great customer service.
Their response times are generally great
and they're hungry for business
and they want to make sure that
they win over your business.
The Chinese are very
family-oriented and because of that,
they're very customer service oriented.
So the experience of dealing
with Chinese manufacturers
may be a lot more pleasant
than if you worked domestically.
Again, this is not all the time.
Everyone is different but that's typically
the consensus that I've heard
when dealing with sellers
that work with manufacturers
overseas with that.
Another thing is, because
China is set up to manufacture,
you may find that your factory is set up
to give you higher outputs a lot faster.
So if you are looking to work at volume,
again that's something to consider.
What are some of the cons?
So the cons are really the
reason I'm creating this video
because with tariffs that were implemented
in the last couple of years
in the US through Trump,
with restrictions on travel ban,
and just what's going
on in China right now,
there are some things that can cause home decor wholesale china
not to look like a good
place for manufacturing.
And one thing I will say is that,
when you're setting up
shop to manufacture,
this is not like something
that's going to affect
your business for a year, right?
When you set up manufacturing,
the pretense is that you're going into it
to find a manufacturing partner
that can help you with all
of your future product needs.
So this is something ideally
that you're shopping for
a long-term partnership.
And it's important to know that
when you're dealing with international,
there are things that
will come up every year,
economically and politically,
that will affect things such
as manufacturing prices,
communication, your ability
to travel to countries.
So by working internationally,
you are bringing in
a little bit of unpredictability
and uncertainty in that
but it may or may not affect you.
But just know to be ready for
something like that, okay?
A couple of cons we have
with dealing with China,
obvious, language barrier,
but this is something
that should not be strictly with China.
As people are shopping outside of China,
I find that other surrounding countries
have been really great
and are really stepping up
in the international manufacturing space
such as Taiwan, Vietnam, et cetera,
depending on what you're manufacturing.
And anytime you deal with a manufacturer
that's not domestic and
doesn't speak your language,
there will be language barriers.
So when it comes to dealing with China,
you will want to be
definitely over-communicate
and be very literal in your communication
so that nothing gets missed with that.
So that's number one, is
understand the language barrier,
and be as literal.
Communicate with photos, webcam, video,
anything that can really portray literally
what it is you're looking for, okay?
Second, there is a stigma
around goods in China.
And this is, I would think,
one of the largest points in this video
is that consumers now,
if you manufacture in China
and your customers find out,
you've nothing to hide.
You should not be ashamed
about manufacturing in China
but do expect the odd negative comment of,
"Oh you manufacture overseas?"
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that
but some of your consumers,
some of your customers,
may have a problem with that.
And I think that that's just,
it's par for the course.
You should not stake in
a whole business decision
of who you manufacture
because you are scared
of upsetting a couple
of people on your list
or who are your customers, right?
Like, there definitely
is something to be said
about locally made.
And sure, there are
consumers that would rather
pay more for locally made goods
but consumers, generally
speaking, vote with their wallets.
And if they like something
that has good reviews,
is good quality, and you've
done your due diligence
to create a product that is good quality,
you've done your QA on-ground,
you've made sure that the product
does exactly what it says it will do,
and it's something that consumers love,
where it's made should not
be a factor to consider.
So that brings me to my
last point which is just,
this is a word of caution,
really not just with China
but any manufacturer,
is there's a reason you
want to get a prototype
or samples made in advance.
And there's a reason you,
even when you do your initial run
and future inventory runs,
you want to make sure that you have QA
or really quality control
happening on the ground
so that you have someone, be it in China,
you don't need to be
the one to go to China,
to check every 10th item on the belt
before it goes out to customers.
But you want to have like a local rep
or some way to check the quality of goods
before they go out to your
customers at the end of the day
because you just don't want
to get caught off-guard
with a shipment of thousands of units
that have gone out to your
customers and nobody's checked.
That could be literally business-ending.
So, just a few things
to consider with that.
Overall, my opinion is I think that China
is still a amazing place
to manufacture goods.
But, of course, with things
happening in the world,
there are other options
that have cropped up
that are also super viable.
if sourcing a local manufacturer
is really important to you
because it's part of your business model,
absolutely go for that.
If you're not quite sure,
then I do suggest you shop around
and see what the experience is like,
and ultimately go with the relationship
and the best prices for your margins
as well as what works best for you.
And hey, if you have any other opinions
or any other points to
the China debate right now
that we're having in this
video, drop it below.
I'd love to hear a bit of what
you think about this topic
and if you are in fact
manufacturing in China
or if you've found a good local solution.
Because where you manufacture,
who you manufacture with,
entirely comes down to
your kind of product.
Because if you are manufacturing
hardware versus textiles,
it's totally different.
And so those are just a few points
that I'd like to leave you with.
And shout out to Capital
Exteriors for this question.
I really, really liked it.
Guys, if you do have any
questions that are in your head,
drop that below as well,
I'd love to hear from you.
And you may find yourself
in a future video.
Apart from that, (tongue clicking)
talk to you soon!
Hey guys, thanks for watching.
Be sure to hit Like and Subscribe.
If you are one of our lucky
subscribers by January 25th,
and you comment below #giveaway
with your product name,
you may find yourself with a free funnel
and full market test
where you can validate
any product within 30 days or less.
Apart from that, thanks for watching.
I'm Khierstyn, and
we'll see you next time.
(lively music)
♪ Hey! ♪