
Матеріал з Луцький НВК "Гімназія №14"

Версія від 15:27, 7 червня 2013; GILRashad (обговорення | внесок)
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You may want to take them out for a game of golf, if you want to impress somebody in light-hearted approach or maybe obtain approval without the stress and publicity of the most common talk. Tennis and business does mix, reported by users and it's a mix up that often wins a few of the greatest business deals in the world. However, before you stop in to a greens and have that basket bring your potential spouse and you, there are always a few items that you should understand first.

Be sure the individual would like golf -- It'd be best to learn if the client plays golf or in the case he doesn't, then at-least he'd be prepared to try it out. Golf despite its reputation remains an outdoor activity and there will be a lot of walking to be done for you really to finish the said game. So that it would be smart to understand in early stages if your prospective buyer has some things about doing the kind of actions.

If h-e does play, if you've never played golf before you should at the least brush on your capabilities or training first. There are plenty of exercise tennis varies these days which can assist you to produce that excellent move right away. Also, if your customer is new with the game then remember to play for fun and not competitively.

Maintain control of the whole game -- This implies something a lot more than enjoying the activity itself. Which means because you are usually the one who welcomed for your golf game, make sure you have sufficient time-to press in-your true purpose--business. E.g. more...

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