
Матеріал з Луцький НВК "Гімназія №14"

Версія від 08:29, 4 червня 2013; Rosaria64 (обговорення | внесок)
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My eye was nearly closed and watered constantly, and my mouth was left drooping, on a single aspect, causing me to dribble when I ate o-r drank something. After getting treatment in Australia from neurologists and lots of different authorities, including Botox injections and months to be on steroids and morphine because of the suffering and weeks in and out-of hospital, I became housebound and quite frustrated and started to seek advice from Cosmetic Or Plastic Surgeons in Australia. Determined to be restored to my old self, the only choices I was told was to have a face lift and the price will be anywhere from $15,000 to some huge $25,000 with no guarantees.

Knowing how bad I was feeling, my husband observed a write-up in-the Sunday paper that publicized Cosmetic Surgery in Thailand having a saving all the way to 702-327.

I did some research on the web and found some frightening stories and some great stories, some stories of how dirty the hospitals were and how they didn't sterilize their needles etc, then other stories saying exactly what a high standard the attention was so I was very dubious, and not knowing much about Thailand at all, I thought about it for some days before contacting the amount on the offer. That call literally changed my life.

I boarded my flight for Thailand a couple of weeks later, I'd to make the journey on my own, since we have three young children and it was term time. I was frightened to death, perhaps not because of the surgery, but because I was travelling alone to a strange country. After a couple of 9 hour flight, I arrived into a bustling, noisy airport, finally got through customs and there right facing me was a board declaring Mrs. Fraser, wow what a relief, I was taken to a waiting car, and whisked out into the hustle and bustle of Thailand, motorbikes everywhere, someday 3 or 4 people on a bike, people on motorbikes with infants, people on motorbikes with chickens, people on motorbikes with umbrellas up, shielding them from sunlight.

I fell in deep love with Thailand there and then, the folks are kind, so calm and so beautiful, the culture is so not the same as anything that I had ever experienced before.

I had a long discussion with one of the surgeons, and was so impressed by how patient he was, he explained what could be done to correct my problem, he explained what he did not believe could be fixed, he did images of just how the surgery will be done, explained in great detail the aftercare expected and said the cost, which was far far less-than anything I had been cited by surgeons here. Following the doctor gave me his phone number and email address and told me to contact him whenever if I'd any questions I'd like to ask.

I remained for 2 days, because I was going on my own, then I was taken back once again to my location, with my ointments and medications, I spent the next 10 days between the beach, the areas and the restaurants. Every day some one in the hospital checked up on me and asked basically needed any such thing.

After a brief nap and some wonderful indian food at among the many beachside bars, where I was greeted by the most wonderful and immaculately dressed nurses my driver picked me up and drove me to the hospital. Within minutes I was reacquainted with all the attractive spanish men that I had achieved in Australia.

After time for my hotel, totally shattered from my fascinating journey, I slept such as for instance a infant before next day. Positive as his word, my driver was there 8am on-the dot. I had a window overlooking the city, a veranda, lcd television, ensuite, phone, internet, beautiful welcome basket and all the luxuries of residence and I was waited available and foot with a supply of beautiful nurses.

I was taken down to the theater, every-where was sparkling, i would honestly say it was more hygenic than some hospitals I had been to in Australia. The nursing staff were amazing. When I awoke I was within my place, with the doctor and two nurses, caring for my every need. That night I selected my meal from a selection that could defeat any restaurant, then I slept on and off between nurses coming in and out through the entire night doing their obs.

I ran across that 3 physicians from one of Thailands prime hospitals were giving free meetings and visiting Australia, and answering questions. I went along to the meeting unsure of what I would discover, and met three of the very sympathetic, caring, pleasant and warm thai males. They spoke excellent English, showed me a dvd of the hospital, the services and also what things to expect as a traveler visiting Thailand.

I left that meeting with an atmosphere of pleasure and good hope that I had found the right physician, someone that comprehended my desires and paid attention to me.

Eventually I would get my old face right back, I could not wait.

Very sad that I had fallen in love with Thailand, my adventure had arrived at a conclusion and it's lovely people, sometime I would keep coming back with my family and share in the miracles of Thailand. For instance take a look at the site here.

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