![]() Äðóãèå àëãîðèòìû. Ìàòåìàòèêà: Áûñòðîå âû÷èñëåíèå ôóíêöèé è êîíñòàíò.Acceleration of the convergence of seriesÑòàòüÿ ëþáåçíî ïðåäîñòàâëåíà:
1 IntroductionMany mathematical constant are calculated as limit of series. In this chapter, we recall some definitions and results related to series and acceleration of their convergence. For any series åan, we denote by sn its partial sums, that is
We are interested in the behavior of sn as n tends to infinite (infinite series). The series whose terms have alternative signs are said to be alternating series, we write them as
where the (ak) are positive numbers. Definition 1 An infinite series åan is said to be convergent if its partial sums (sn) tends to a limit S (called the sum of the series) as n tends to infinite. Otherwise the series is said to be divergent.
Example 1
For the geometric series is defined by ak = xk, the partial
sum sn is then given by
Example 2
The harmonic series is defined for k > 0 by ak = 1/k, and the
partial sum sn (sometimes denoted Hn and called Harmonic
number) is
We have for n = 2p
therefore the partial sums are unbounded and the harmonic series is
divergent (this important result was known to Jakob Bernoulli (1654-1705) ).
2 Kummer's acceleration methodErnst Kummer's (1810-1893) method is elementary and may be used to accelerate the convergence of many series. The idea is to subtract from a given convergent series åan another equivalent series åbn whose sum ån ³ 0bn is well known. More precisely suppose that
then the transformation is given by
The convergence of the latest series is faster because 1-rbn/an tends to 0 as k tends to infinity.
Example 3
we have r = C = 1 and Kummer's transformation becomes
The process can be repeated with this time
After N applications of the transformation
whose convergence may be rapid enough for suitable values of N (this
example is due to Knopp [7]).
Note, that we have used the following family of series to improve the
3 Aitken's acceleration methodIn 1926, Alexander Aitken found a new procedure to accelerate the rate of convergence of a series, the Aitken d2-process [2]. It consists in constructing a new series S*, whose partial sums sn* are given by
where (sn-1,sn,sn+1) are three successive partial sums of the original series. Of course, it's possible to repeat the process on the new series S* ... For example for the converging geometric series with 0 < x < 1:
and if we replace (sn-1,sn,sn+1) by this expression we have sn* = S ..., the exact limit is given just by three evaluations of the original series. This indicates that for a series almost geometric, Aitken's process may be efficient.
Example 4
If we consider the extremely slow (logarithmic rate) converging series
the expressions of (sn-1,sn,sn+1) are
for n = 1000
4 Euler-Maclaurin summation formulaSuppose that the (ak) may be written as the image of a given differentiable function f, that is
and so
the following famous result due to Euler (1732) and Colin Maclaurin (1742) states that
where em,n is a remainder given by
Example 5
Suppose that s > 1 and
if n® ¥ in this identity, we find the relation
and by computing z(s)-sn-1 we find the useful algorithm to
estimate z(s)
and for any given integer m, the remainder tends to zero (Exercise : check
this with care!).
5 Convergence improvement of alternating seriesVery efficient methods exist to accelerate the convergence of an alternating series
one of the first is due to Euler. Usually the transformed series converges geometrically with a rate of convergence depending on the method. Because the speed of converge may be dramatically improved, there is a trick due to Van Wijngaarden which permits to transform any series åbk with positive terms bk into an alternating series. It may be written
and because 2j(k+1)-1 increases very rapidly with j, only a few terms of this sum are required. Sometimes a closed form exists for the ak, for example if
5.1 Euler's methodIn 1755, Euler gave a first version of what is now called Euler's transformation. To establish it, observe that the sum of the alternating series may be written as
and the first difference operator is denoted by
The new series S1is also alternating and the process may be applied again
with this time
and the second difference operator is denoted by
the following theorem is then easily deduced by repeating the process (we omit some details given in [7]).
Theorem 1
Let S = åk = 0n(-1)kak be a convergent alternating series,
and D is the forward difference operator defined by
The first values of Dka0 are
Example 6
Sometime it's possible to give a closed form for the transformation, take
the rate of convergence of this famous series is extremely slow, but Euler's
method gives
this suggest the expression (prove it by induction ...)
relation founded by Euler.
5.2 ImprovementIn 1991, a generalization of Euler's method was given in [4] (this work in fact generalizes a technique that was used to obtain irrationality measures of some classical constants like log(2) for example). This algorithm is very general, powerful and easy to understand. For an alternating series å(-1)k ak, we assume that there exist a positive function w(x) such that
This relation permits to write the sum of the series as
Now, for any sequence of polynomials Pn(x) of degree n with Pn(-1) ¹ 0, we denote by Sn the number
Notice that Sn is a linear combination of the number (ak)0 £ k < n since if we write Pn(x) = åk = 0n pk (-x)k, we have easily
The number Sn satisfies
Therefore we deduce
This inequality suggests to choose polynomials with small value of Mn/|Pn(-1)|.
5.2.1 Choice of a family of polynomials
5.2.2 ExamplesOnce the choice of a sequence of polynomials is made, it can be applied to compute the value of many alternating series such as
6 Acceleration with the Zeta functionIf you know how to evaluate the Zeta function at integers values, there is an easy way to transform your original series in a geometric converging one (based on [5]). Suppose that you want to estimate a series which has the form
where A is a constant and where the analytic function f may be written
Observe that
therefore the transformed series has a geometric rate of convergence. This rate may be improved if a few terms of the original series are computed, this time the limit is given by
and again
but this time
and z(s,a) is the Hurwitz Zeta Function. The rate of convergence remains geometric but this rate may be taken as large as desired by taking a large enough value for M.
6.1 Examples
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