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is exported to the typelibt!P`m `m `m h Ph m m m  n n   n h @n @n @n ( Tn Tn L `n h n n n ` n n  n h n n n  n n , n n Po o 4q h (o (o (o  #Pq h p t!Pdp dp dp f f q q q | q q & ,q pq |q |q      q q q      0>#P8s f q t!Pr r r  `% r r r  r r & r r tt 0>#Pt  XEPt!Ps s s X (X Lt Lt Lt 4 `t `t & lt 0>#PX XEPexportAttribute0+e  u P R(u L X  y 0 l xu t u u u t u u t & P S1 ,x 4x 4x P P   P P       v h  t H& x P T1t & u Q V1t & @x x t & DQ X!E@x x x t ,y ,y ,y x @y @y & Ly t!Py y y  d\z `z `z @ `z `z `z  tz tz & z z x}  z | | } z z z l0>#P~  ({ 0{ Declares the IDL module level attributes of the DLL entry point or const datat!P{ { { h h X| X| X|  l| l|  x| h | | |  | |  | h | | | 0 | |  } h 0} 0} 0}  D} D}  P} X} } L  } } } th } } }  } } & } } } } 0>#P h 4~ t!P|~ |~ |~ f <f $ $ $ | 8 8 & D      ,     ,0>#P@ f  t!P0 0 0  " ؀ ؀ ؀    &  0>#P̂  XEPt!P   X &X T T T 4 h h & t | 0>#PX XEPidl_moduleAttribute0+e   tQ ^D d p   z        ̃ ̃   & Q _1  , , ,  @ @ dllnameversionhelpstringhelpstringcontexthelpcontexthidden  &   Q i1 l  S  (S  TS  S  S  d0  d0  00 , \0    & x , t!P, , ,                   &  X \ \ 0>#P@    The IDL module namet!P   requires_value       < T< ؈ ؈ ؈    &  0>#P< XEP  l    S l l t!P     t t     Ċ Ȋ Ȋ  Ȋ Ȋ Ȋ  ܊ ܊ &   $ $ 0>#P ` h The name of the DLL containing the DLL entry point or const data     S n 4    P S o t!Pp p p         @ D D 8 D D D  X X & d    0>#P ܍  If the uuid attribute is omitted, the IDL module is not uniquely specified in the system    | S q     Ў S r     d0 s    @ d0 t    x 0 u   ,  0 v 8*     H& p Q w1  &  |R y1  & R {!EP  p ؅  x x    Ў  @  ܐ ܐ ܐ ̅   &  t!Pd d d  d    @     $ $ & 0 x  8  |     l0>#P  ؒ  Injects an IDL attribute or construct into the type libraryt!P` ` ` h (h         P T T th T T T  h h & t    00>#PP h  t!P4 4 4 repeatable0 0       &  0>#P  0 XEPt!P   f ,f d d d | x x &   P ؗ          0>#P f 8 t!P     ( ( (  < < & H 0>#P XEPidl_quoteAttribute0+e < h R     3  X Й | | | Й   Й & $S 1 Й    Й   textЙ &   TS 1!L S l Й &   t!P   Й t t Й    d Ĝ Ȝ Ȝ L Ȝ Ȝ Ȝ  ܜ ܜ &   $ $ l 0>#P ` h The IDL text to be injectedЙ L ܝ  S  4  Й H& d $S 1Й & 4 S 1Й & S !Eܝ d   Й       & ̞ t!P4 4 4  dܟ   @       &  H    \  h l l l0>#P    Specifies (disp)interfaces that are forced to be members of the IDL coclasst!P@ @ @ h (h ء ء ء       0 4 4 th 4 4 4  H H & T    00>#P$ h ̢ t!P   0 0     У У & ܣ 0>#P 0 XEPt!P   f ,f 8 8 8 | L L & X ` $      ԥ     0>#Pd f  t!PT T T         &  0>#P XEP0+e  ( T ȧ   8  |   < < <  P P  & \T 1      Ĩ Ĩ interfaces & x L T 1!\ S 0  & 4  t!P   multi_value D D  X X l l    H   &  0>#Pl XEP \ 0 ` S   t!P    0 0  D D l $l    H   &  0>#Pl XEPdispinterfaces | x \ S     H&  \T 1 &  T 1 & U !Ex  d 4 0  L L L X ` ` & l t!PԮ Ԯ Ԯ  \|   @       &      t     d0>#P  H P Specifies that the IDL files argument(s) will have their non-library block portions imported into the embedded IDL file and their library block portions included into the embedded IDL library blockt!PX X X h h         H L L th L L L  ` ` & l    0>#P< h  t!P, , , 0 0 Գ Գ Գ    &  0>#P 0 XEPt!P   f f P P P | d d & p x H ĸ ĵ е е    0>#P f $ t!Pl l l as_string p    T 4 4 & @ 0>#P  XEPt!P           &  0>#P XEPimportidlAttribute0+e  ܹ 4U |   | W  ̹ D    D   D &  |U 1!| S d t!P̺ ̺ ̺ D L L D ` `     d       &     0>#P 8 @ D |   S     D H& D U 1D & , U 1D & T  D &  V !ET  D $ D       &  t!P    \   @     Ծ Ծ &  ( p   L  H L L d0>#P    Specifies that argument(s) will be included into the library block after the importlib(s)t!P0 0 0 h h          $ $ th $ $ $  8 8 & D |   0>#P h  t!P   0 0       &  0>#P 0 XEPt!P   f f ( ( ( | < < & H P         0>#PT f  t!PD D D  p    T   &  0>#P  XEPt!P     h h h  | | &  0>#P XEPincludelibAttribute0+e   #P     | h L S     H&  V 1 &  V 1 &    & W !E  h    X X X  l l & x t!P    \   @       &   \        d0>#PD  T \ Specifies that the IDL construct will be defined in the library blockt!P   h h | | |         th       &  0 4 4 0>#P h p t!P   f f ` ` ` | t t &        0>#P f $ t!Pl l l       ( ( & 4 < 0>#P XEPlibrary_blockAttribute0+e  h DW   $  0 ( X  | | |     & W 1   H&  W 1 &  W 1 &  @  & X !E       x   &  t!Pp p p  \   @     0 0 & <  0 D $ l     d0>#Pd    Specifies 'satype' attribute on a SAFAEARRAY parametert!Pd d d h h         h D D D  X X \ d h            th       &    \  P T T 0>#P h   Pt!P   f lf    |   &     <<L<L\    <<L<L\0>#P f D t!P     4 4 4  H H & T 0>#P  XEPt!P    (#    T   &  0>#P XEPsatypeAttribute0+e   4X  0 < < T   PT    T   T & |X 1 T t t t T   T & <  X 1! S  T & 4  t!Pp p p T   T   g @ D D Lg D D D k X X & d g    h      0>#Pg    X ($ intT  | ` S    T H&  |X 1T &   Y 1T & #Ph  H P Specifies that the method is a 'propget't!P   h h X X X  l l \ x h            th       &  T X X 0>#P, h   @t!P   f f    |   &   p       , , 0>#P f X t!P     H H H  \ \ & h 0>#P,  XEPt!P   X p X    4   &  0>#PX XEPpropgetAttribute0+e   lY  T ` x M0   @l    l , , l & Y 1  l H& @ Y 1l & T Y 1l &   l & ,Z !E @  l       &  t!P     \   @       &       \ @ D D d0>#P    Specifies that the method is a 'propput't!P   h h       \  h         0 4 4 th 4 4 4  H H & T    0>#Pd h   @t!P   f f    |   &    $ 0 < < X d d 0>#P f  t!P           &  0>#Pd  XEPt!PT T T X p X    4   &  0>#PX XEPpropputAttribute0+e  < DZ  l x  H0 T , @ P P P  d d  & Z 1   H& x Z 1 &  Z 1 &    & [ !E x X     L   &  t!P  D D D  \     @       &  X <   8  x | | d0>#P     Specifies that the method is a 'propputref't!P  0 0 0 h   h       \  h     $ $  0 h l l th l l l    &     0>#P  h   @t!P  L L L f   f    |   &    \ h t t    0>#P   f  t!P               &  0>#P   XEPt!P   X p X 4 4 4 4 H H & T 0>#PX XEPpropputrefAttribute0+e  t [     0  d @        & d[ 1   H&  d[ 1 &  [ 1 &  L  & [ !E          &  t!P| | |  \$ ( ( @ ( ( (  < < & H   P (       d0>#P     Starts up the specified attribute providert!Ph h h h h           X  \  \  th \  \  \   p  p  & |     0>#P|  h  t!P<  <  <  f f    |   &   H  T  T  p  |  |  0>#P  f  t!P            &   0>#P XEPproviderAttribute0+e    \     D f    P     P    P  & T\ 1 P  p p p P    cookiesP  & 8 8 \ 1l  S  S  0d0  P  &   t!P   P  $ $ P  8 8 < < t t t    &  0>#P< XEPP  l   @ S   t!P   P    P  $ $ < $< ` ` `  t t &  0>#P< XEPP   < , S   t!P!!| | | P    P    g !!L P P g P P P k d d & p g    h      0>#P!!g   !d0 dP    h "d0    P  H&  #T\ 1P  &  #\ 1P  & #\ !E   P  < P  \ \ \ D p p & | t!P$$    \$$   @       &            d0>#P $$ X ` Specifies that the UDT is a coclasst!P%%   h %%h ` ` `  t t    h    p     h    (   L  H L L th L L L  ` ` & l t   L    0>#P\ %%h  t!P&&< < < notify_atlprovL  &&L     (    &  0>#P &&L  XEPt!P''   f ''f p p p |   &        0>#P ''f 4 t!P((| | |  (#(( $ $ $  8 8 & D 0>#P! (( XEPt!P))   X &))X    4   &   0>#P))X XEPcoclassAttribute0+e < ! +,] !   d# w0 , ! X! " " " X! " " X! & ,t] 1  X! H& ,# -t] 1X! & @" -] 1X! & " " X! & -] !E" ,# # X! p# p# p# # # # & # t!P..# # #  \..$ $ $ @ $ $ $  $ $ & $ % ' - $ & & ,' ,% 0% 0% d0>#P' .. l% t% Specifies that the UDT is a controlt!P//% % % h //h t& t& t&  & &   & h & & & p & &  & h ' ' ' ( ' ' L $' \' `' `' th `' `' `'  t' t' & ' ' ) * P, ' ' ' 0>#P`) //h ( t!P00P( P( P( L  00L  ( ( ( (  ) ) & ) 0>#P + 00L  XEPt!P11) ) ) f 11f t* t* t* | * * & * * * * + + + 0>#P, 11f 8+ t!P22+ + +  (#22 (, (, (,  <, <, & H, 0>#P. 22 XEPt!P33, , , X &33X - - - 4 - - & - - 0>#P33X XEPcontrolAttribute0+e L . 5^ '.   h0 0 @% . \. / / / \. / / \. & 6L^ (1  \. H& 00 7L^ )1\. & D/ 7^ +1\. & / / \. & 7^ -!E/ 00 0 \. t0 t0 t0 0 0 0 & 0 t!P880 0 0  \881 1 1 @ 1 1 1  1 1 & 1 2 4 5 T8 1 3 3 84 02 42 42 d0>#P6 88 p2 x2 Specifies custom metadata in the type libraryt!P992 2 2 h )99h 3 3 3  3 3   3 h 3 3 3  3 3 , 3 h 4 4 4  $4 $4 \ 04 h X4 X4 X4  l4 l4  x4 4 4 5 h5 h 4 4 4  4 4  4 h 4 4 4  5 5   5 h @5 @5 @5 ` T5 T5  `5 h 5 5 5  5 5 , 5 5 6 P6 6 h 5 5 5  5 5 < 6 h (6 (6 (6 ( <6 <6 L H6 6 6 6 th 6 6 6  6 6 & 6 6 6 6 )0>#P8 99h 7 'Pt!P::d7 d7 d7 0 -::0 8 8 8  8 8 & ,8 48 9 t; < 0>#P0: ::0 XEPt!P;;8 8 8 f 1;;f 9 9 9 | 9 9 & 9 9 : : 111111$: 0: 0: 1111110>#P; ;;f \: t!P<<: : :  06<< L; L; L;  `; `; & l; 0>#P0= << XEPt!P== < < <  9== < < < T < < & < 0>#P== XEPcustomAttribute0+e \ > ?^ 4=   A  D2 = 'Pl= > > > l= ,> ,> l= & > @<_ 61!| S > t!PAA> > > l= t? t? l= ? ?  AA? ? ? d ? ? ?  ? ? & ? @ $@ $@ 0>#PAA `@ h@ l= | @ @ BT_ 8 4@  l= H& lA Cl_ 91l= & T> C_ ;1l= & |@ A l= & C_ =!E|@ @ lA LA l= A A A @A A A & A t!PDD#PxE DD C C Specifies the type of interfacet!PEED D D h EEh D D D  D D , D E E E th E E E  E E & ,E dE hE hE 0>#P,G EEh E t!PFFE E E f FFf F F F | F F & F F G G  G ,G ,G 0>#PH FFf XG t!PGGG G G  GG HH HH HH  \H \H & hH pH I 0>#P#PHHX XEPdispinterfaceAttribute0+e l ` J K CJ   a 0 J  K @d0 \[ @1 \[  J lK 1 t[  K K t[ Tj  K @d0 [ @1 [  Tj \ DL 1 [ K L [ s : L ;@d0 [ 8\ @1 [  s M 1 [ L dM [ ~  M @d0 [ @1 [  ~ [ M U 1 \ M #PTe MM c c Specifies the type of interfacet!PNNc c c h NNh d d d  d d , d d d d th d d d  d d & e @e De De 0>#Pg NNh e t!POOe e e f OOf pf pf pf | f f & f f f f f g g 0>#Ph OOf 4g t!PPP|g |g |g  PP $h $h $h  8h 8h & Dh Lh i 0>#Pj PP XEPt!PQQi i i X pQQX i i i 4 i i & i 0>#PQQX XEPdualAttribute0+e | j SK Oj , 8 `l 0 `c j Tj k k k Tj k k Tj & T,L P1  Tj H& (l U,L Q1Tj & #PPp VV hn pn Specifies that this parameter passes the LCID for the methodt!PWWn n n h WWh o o o  o o  o o o o th o o o  o o & p #Pr WWh |p t!PXXp p p f XXf lq lq lq | q q & q q q q q r r 0>#Ps XXf 0r t!PYYxr xr xr  YY s s s  4s 4s & @s Hs 0>#PYY XEPlcidAttribute0+e  lt [L Z t D P u >0 #Py ^^ w w Specifies the type of interfacet!P__Px Px Px h __h x x x  x x , y @y Dy Dy th Dy Dy Dy  Xy Xy & dy y y y 0>#Pd{ __h y t!P``$z $z $z f ``f z z z | z z & z 0{ <{ <{ X{ d{ d{ 0>#P| ``f { t!Paa{ { {  aa | | |  | | & | | 4~ 0>#Pt~ aa XEPt!Pbbd} d} d} X pbbX ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ & ,~ 0>#PbbX XEPobjectAttribute0+e  H dM f~ \ h  0 w 8 ~ \ \ \ ~ p p ~ & eM g1  ~ H&  fM h1~ &  f$N j1~ &   ~ & fTN l!E  d ~ Ȁ Ȁ Ȁ X ܀ ܀ &  t!PggP P P  \gg   @       &  d  D $  <     d0>#P4 gg Ă ̂ Specifies the ProgID for this classt!Phh4 4 4 h hhh ̃ ̃ ̃       h    p ( (  4 h \ \ \ ( p p L |    th     ̄ ̄ & ؄  x    $ $ 0>#P hhh ` t!Pii   L  iiL  P P P (  d d & p 0>#Pd iiL  XEPt!Pjj$ $ $ f jjf ̇ ̇ ̇ |   &  0 < < X d d 0>#P jjf  t!Pkk؈ ؈ ؈  (#kk       &  0>#Pt kk XEPt!PllT T T X &llX    4  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 O 1x &  dP 1x & P !Eؤ   | <  4 p   x    p   & ( t!P    \8 < < @ < < <  P P & \  ,   d 4 | ĩ ħ ȧ ȧ d0>#PL     Specifies the UUID for this elementt!Pt t t h h         , h T T T p h h  t h    (   L  h       ,   d   h < < < ` P P  \ h       ,  ܪ   th       &  8 < < 0>#P h x t!P   L  "L  h h h (  | | &    Я L 0>#P L  XEPt!PL L L f &f    |   &  X d d &&&&&&   &&&&&&0>#P f  t!P    P+       & ȯ 0>#P  XEPt!P| | |  . $ $ $ T 8 8 & D 0>#P  XEPt!P   X 2X    4   &  Ȳ 0>#PX XEPuuidAttribute0+e ,  P      ا ܳ T    T   T &  P 1!| 8S t t!Pܴ ܴ ܴ T \ \ T p p          ĵ ĵ & е    0>#P H P uuidT |   S    T H& T $Q 1T & < lQ 1T & d  T & Q !Ed  T 4 T    (   &  t!P$ $ $  \̸ и и @ и и и    &  8 H  Ⱥ $  X \ \ d0>#Ph    Specifies the version for this elementt!P   h h             th       &  T X X 0>#P h  t!Pܻ ܻ ܻ L  L     (    &  0>#P L  XEPt!PX X X f f    |   &  (  h  t      0>#P, f Ծ t!P    p Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ  ؿ ؿ &  0>#P  XEPt!P     @ @ @ T T T & ` 0>#P$  XEPt!P   X $X    4   &  0>#PX XEPversionAttribute0+e < s  Q     9 l  d    d $ $ d &  R 1!| 8S  t!P   d l l d              &     0>#P X ` versiond |   S  ,  d H& d DR 1d & L R 1d & t  d & R !Et  d D d    8   &  t!P4 4 4  \   @       &  H  8   0 x h l l d0>#P(    Specifies the version independent ProgID for this classt!P( ( ( h h          h    p    ( h P P P ( d d L p    th       &   l      0>#P h T t!P   L  L  D D D (  X X & d 0>#PX L  XEPt!P   f f    |   &  $ 0 0 L X X 0>#P f  t!P    (# t t t T   &  0>#Ph  XEPt!PH H H  &       &    0>#P  XEPt!P   X )X | | | 4   &  0>#PX XEPvi_progidAttribute0+e L  R \   d  |  $    $   $ & ` 4S 1!| 8S D t!P   $ , , $ @ @  |          &     0>#P    vi_progid$ |  h S    $ H& , LS 1$ &  S 1$ & <  $ & S !E<  ,  $ t t t    &  t!P    \   @       &       @ 0 4 4 d0>#P  p x Declares the module level properties for the DLL or EXEt!P   h h         h    p     h    ( , , L 8 p t t th t t t    &   4  d    0>#Pt h  t!Pd d d L  L     (    & , 0>#P  L  XEPt!P   f f    |   &        0>#P f L t!P    (# < < <  P P & \ 0>#P XEPmoduleAttribute0+e \ x S  ( 4 88X  D h + | L S   @, 4b dlll  S exe|  S service  S unspecified  S EXE , , , x @ @ | L   S SERVICE           S  , , ,  @ @  & #P$    The type of module - DLL, EXE, Application, Service or Consolet!P` ` `       g t-g    4 4 4 @ H H l T    g    k   &  g    h      |-0>#Pg P X !S " p p p        S   t!P              H       &  L P P 0>#P\    The name of the library blockt!P    t t    g    |g    k   &  g    h $ $ H L L 0>#Pg   ^ X   l    S  ` t!P4 4 4                  & ( ` d d 0>#P    The version number assigned to the library blockt!P          g    g    k   &  g < < < h P P t x x 0>#Pg   X X  1.0    S  t t!P` ` `        0 4 4  4 4 4  H H & T    0>#P   The unique id for the library   , S   t!P| | |        L P P L P P P  d d & p    0>#P   The native locale of the module  X H d0   t!P       , ,  h l l  l l l    &     0>#P    Specifies that all coclasses in the library are controls    0   t!P    T T  h h            &     0>#P @ H A character string used to describe the type library    S  8*   t!P@ @ @                ( ( & 4 l p p 0>#P   Specifies a 32-bit Help context identifier in the Help file  < , d0   t!P| | |        L P P  P P P  d d & p    0>#P   The name of the DLL to use to perform a document string lookup  h h S   t!P    8 8  L L     P       &     0>#P $ , The name of the help file for the type library    S  $ t!P    d d  x x            &     0>#P P X The help ID for this type library    d0  ($ t!P                    &  4  8  8  0>#P t  |  Prevents the entire library from being displayed    0  ,H  t!P<  <  <                       $  $  & 0  h  l  l  0>#P    Members of the library cannot be called arbitrarily ,   0  -|  t!Pp  p  p           @  D  D   D  D  D   X  X  & d     0>#P     Creates a user-defined attribute -- cf. MSDN; MIDL: Platform SDKt!Pl l l       l  l < < < H P P & \ 0>#Pl XEP  P @ S  08*    t!P       $ $  ` d d x d d d  x x &     0>#P   Resource ID of the string that contains the resource name   | S  4   H&  #P    Specifies ODL 'aggregatable' attributet!P0 0 0 h h           $ $ th $ $ $  8 8 & D |   0>#P h  t!P   L  L     (    &  0>#P L  XEPt!P   f f ( ( ( | < < & H P        0>#PT f  t!PD D D  p       &  0>#P XEPaggregatableAttribute0+e , 0 V  X d #     + |  V |   @ Xb never< D V allowedL  V always\   V         & dV 1      0 0  D D D D X X  l l l D    &   V 1! V   & " 8# t!Ph  h  h        g Tg (! (!  #Pg X" `" !V  x" x" x" D " "   " " V # ,"   H& |# dV $1 &  V &1 &  W (!E" |#   P "  D   # # #   # # & # t!P\$ \$ \$  \% % % @ % % %  % % & (% p% * 0% ' \' ( % % % d0>#P'  % % Specifies IDL 'appobject' attributet!P@& @& @& h h & & &  & &   & 0' 4' 4' th 4' 4' 4'  H' H' & T' ' ' ' 0>#PT) h ' t!P( ( ( f f ( ( ( | ( ( & ( ) ,) ,) H) T) T) 0>#P* f ) t!P) ) )   p* p* p*  * * & * * 0>#P XEPappobjectAttribute0+e l + $W -`+ |  4- c0 % + (+ + + + (+ + + (+ & lW .1  (+ H& , lW /1(+ & , W 11(+ & T, , (+ & W 3!ET, , , (+ @- @- @- , T- T- & `- t!P- - -  \p. t. t. @ t. t. t.  . . & . . 4 . 0 (1 2 . / / d0>#Pl1  #P 3 h 1 t!P1 1 1 f f 2 2 2 | 2 2 & 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 0>#P4 f L3 t!P  3 3 3     <4 <4 <4  P4 P4 & \4 d4 0>#P   XEPasync_uuidAttribute0+e | T' 5 X 8,5   49 8 / |5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 & 06 \X :1! S 6 t!P  |6 |6 |6 4 6 6 4 7 7    L7 P7 P7  P7 P7 P7  d7 d7 & p7 7 7 7 0>#P   7 7 async_uuid4  T8 88 S < 7  4 H& 8 X =14 & 5 X ?14 & 8 8 4 & Y A!E 8 T8 8 8 4 D9 D9 D9 8 X9 X9 & d9 t!P9 9 9  \t: x: x: @ x: x: x:  : : & : : > : p< < = ; ; ; d0>#PX=  @; H; Specifies IDL 'bindable' attributet!P; ; ; h h H< H< H<  \< \< \ h< h < < <  < <  < < < < th < < <  = = & = D= H= H= 0>#P? h =  @t!P= = = f f t> t> t> | > > & > > `@ > > > ? ? ? 0>#P@ f H? t!P? ? ?   8@ 8@ 8@  L@ L@ & X@ 0>#P XEPbindableAttribute0+e  xA 4Y FA   B 0 ; hA @@ A A A @ A A @ & |Y G1  @ H& B |Y H1@ & A Y J1@ & B PB @ & Y L!E B B B @ B B B B C C & C t!PC C C  \(D ,D ,D @ ,D ,D ,D  @D @D & LD D I TD $F F H D D D d0>#PF  D D Specifies IDL 'call_as' attributet!PdE dE dE h h E E E  F F \ F TF XF XF th XF XF XF  lF lF & xF F F F 0>#PxH h F  t!P8G 8G 8G f f G G G | G G & H DH PH PH lH xH xH 0>#P J f H t!PH H H   I I I  I I & I I HK 0>#PK  XEPt!PxJ xJ xJ  p K K K T 4K 4K & @K 0>#P XEPcall_asAttribute0+e  `L  Z RL   @N  D PL K tL tL tL K L L local_procK & M TZ T1! 2 L K  `M 2 U  K H& N !lZ V1K & L !Z X1K & (M M K & !Z Z!E`M N M (M K PN PN PN M dN dN & pN t!P""N N N  \""O O O @ O O O  O O & O O ,U O tQ Q XS P P P d0>#PR "" LP TP Specifies IDL 'case' attributet!P##P P P h ##h LQ LQ LQ 4 `Q `Q < lQ Q Q Q th Q Q Q  Q Q & Q R R R 0>#PS ##h @R t!P$$R R R f $$f 0S 0S 0S | DS DS & PS S S S S S S 0>#P\U $$f S t!P%%#P%% XEPcaseAttribute0+e  9 0V '[ _U   X   P  V U DV DV DV U XV XV U & V (\[ a1!| d0 V U | $W )d0 b  U H& W *t[ c1U & V *[ e1U & V hW U & *[ g!EV $W W W U X X X W (X (X & 4X t!P++X X X  \++DY HY HY @ HY HY HY  \Y \Y & hY Y ^ pY @[ [ $] Y Y Y d0>#P[ ++ Z Z Specifies IDL 'cpp_quote' attributet!P,,Z Z Z h ,,h [ [ [  ,[ ,[  8[ p[ t[ t[ th t[ t[ t[  [ [ & [ [ [ [ 0>#Pd] ,,h \ t!P--T\ T\ T\ 0 --0 \ \ \  ] ] & ] 0>#P _ --0 XEPt!P..] ] ] f ..f x^ x^ x^ | ^ ^ & ^ ^ d` ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ 0>#P` ..f L_ t!P//_ _ _  p// <` <` <`  P` P` & \` 0>#P// XEPcpp_quoteAttribute0+e  |a 1\ ma  $ Xc R Y la ` a a a ` a a string` & (b 2L\ o1! S  b `  xb 3S p  ` H& c 4d\ q1` & a 4\ s1` & @b b ` & 4\ u!Exb c c @b ` hc hc hc b |c |c & c t!P55c c c  \55d d d @ d d d  d d & d e h d f f 8g $e (e (e d0>#P|g 55 de le Specifies IDL 'default' attributet!P66e e e h 66h lf lf lf  f f   f h f f f 4 f f < f g g g th g g g  $g $g & 0g hg lg lg 0>#Pi 66h g  t!P77g g g 0 770 h h h  h h & h h Lj l |m 0>#Pj 770 XEPt!P88|i |i |i f 88f $j $j $j | 8j 8j & Dj j j j j j j 0>#P@l 88f j t!P990k 0k 0k  p 99 k k k  k k & k 0>#Pm 99 XEPt!P::l l l  #:: Tm Tm Tm T hm hm & tm 0>#P:: XEPdefaultAttribute0+e  n <\ |4n < H r r 8e n m n n n m n n m & =<] }1 m o o o m 0o 0o m & n o >l] 1!| S o m & q ,r t!P??p p p m p p m p p  \ ??p p p p p p p  q q & q Dq Hq Hq d 0>#P?? q q m | q q @S  Xq  m H& pr A<] 1m & Xo A] 1m & A] !Eq q pr o m r r r o r r & r t!PBB@s @s @s  \BBs s s @ s s s  t t & t Tt 0x t u ,v v tt xt xt d0>#Pv BB t t Specifies IDL 'defaultbind' attributet!PCC$u $u $u h CCh u u u  u u \ u h v v v  v v  $v \v `v `v th `v `v `v  tv tv & v v v v 0>#Px CCh v  @t!PDD@w @w @w f DDf w w w | w w & x x y \x hx hx x x x 0>#Pz DDf x t!PEEy y y  EE y y y  y y & y 0>#PEE XEPdefaultbindAttribute0+e  z G^ z ` l 0 0 t z @Xz { { { Xz { {  ,^   $ ,^  _   _  l  l   T l  t  t   , t ̆   d   t d ܆  ] <  4 <   <  ,  ,   ,          Ċ                  ,   D  T     <        L      \   D       l  ܯ  ܯ   ܯ |  ̰   ̰    \              L      t  t   t ̇   d  ܍ d    d ܇  T  l T   T  l D   D                     ,      <     ,  L  ԏ l   l \  | D   D l      |  L    l   ̿   ̿  &   &   &  '  '   ' ̈  (   ( ܈  D )   )  *   *   *   +   +  \,    \, 0  4-    4- @  .   .  . P  /   / `  /  /   / p  0   0  1    1  | 1  d 2  2   2  3  3   3  , 4  4   T 4  5   D 5 Љ  d6   d6  <7   <7  8   8  8   8   9  9   S 9  :   : 0  : @  <   < P  < d  < |  <  l=   l= P  l= d  l= |  l=  >   >  ?   ? Ȋ  ?  Ć   Ć  Ć  ̇   ̇  ̇   ̇ $         4        D         T         d  <  <    < t  ,   ,    ,  , 4   4 P  4 d  4       T   D      $  d     ċ   ܋               4   d    d  d Ȋ  d  d D  d d  D   $ D  D t  | L   L  L  L           d       P    ̌  l   Xz & H\^ 1  Xz H&  I\^ 1Xz &  I^ 1Xz & P  Xz & I^ !EP  ؐ Xz < < < ̐ P P & \ t!PJJđ đ đ  \JJl p p @ p p p    &  ؒ (  p ̔ T    d0>#P JJ 8 @ Specifies ODL 'defaultcollelem' attributet!PKK   h KKh H H H  \ \ \ h    th       & Ĕ    0>#PĖ KKh <  t!PLL   f LLf , , , | @ @ & L     Ė Ė 0>#PX LLf  t!PMM8 8 8  MM       &   0>#PMM XEPdefaultcollelemAttribute0+e  8 O_ ؘ x   0   (  L L L  ` `  & PL_ 1   H& t QL_ 1 &  Q_ 1 & ̙   & Q_ !E̙ t T     H ̚ ̚ & ؚ t!PRR@ @ @  \RR   @       &  T    @ ȟ t x x d0>#P RR   Specifies IDL 'defaultvalue' attributet!PSS$ $ $ h SSh     Н Н  ܝ    th     , , & 8 p t t 0>#P8 SSh  t!PTT   f TTf    |   &     , 8 8 0>#P̡ TTf d t!PUU    UU T T T  h h & t |  0>#PH UU XEPt!PVV8 8 8  pVV    T   &  0>#PVV XEPdefaultvalueAttribute0+e  $ X_ ģ        8 8 8  L L  _ d0 { 1 { @1 {   P ̤ 1 { _  { 1 (p5 t  \ d0 { 1 { @1 {  t ԥ 1 | \  | \  L @d0 (| @1 (|  \  1 @| L  @| 8  _  $  d0 X| 4T 1 X| @1 p|  8  1 | $ 0U  |   i  jd0 | 1 | @1 | 8=    1 |  Ԩ | < 0\   1d0 | 1 | @1 }  < | W 1 }  ĩ }  +  ,d0 0} 1 0} @1 H} 7   l 1 `}   `} 1 %   d0 x} 1 x} @1 }   t X> 1 }   }    d0 } 1 } @1 }   d X 1 }   } D& R  ܬ d0 ~ dT 1 ~ @1 ~ ,_  D& T 1 8~ ܬ  8~ 1 !0   @d0 P~ @1 P~  0 D 1 h~ ^   h~ 0- 1 :  Ԯ d0 ~ > 1 ~  @1 ~  : L 1 ~ Ԯ  ~ lF T  į d0 ~ 1 ~ @1 ~  lF < 1 ~ į Z  ~ P   @d0  @1   P  1 ( [  \ ( \ U  Vd0 @ 1 @ @1 X  \  1 p  L p k  | d0  1  @1   k  1  | <  u  l @d0  @1   u ̳ ] 1  xY l   1 E@W   \ d0  LZ 1  @1    Դ 1 0 \  0   L d0 H 1 H @1 ` 4Q   ĵ 1 x L   x ` T  < d0  1  W @1   ` W  1  < `    ? , @@d0 ؀ @1 ؀   lU  1  , Է     S @d0  @1    _ d O 1     0 Z ܸ [L d0 8 p 1 8 @1 P  0 _ T 1 h ܸ  h   ̹ @d0  @1    , 1  ̹ K t     Y @d0   @1     1 ȁ  L ȁ p d  | e@d0  @1   p X5 ܻ  1  | $    T xS @d0  @1     1 ( : T Y  ( @  , 03 @d0 @ @ @1 @  @  1 X , Խ X     @d0 p @1 p   d _ 1  X    d  ܾ @d0  @1  dZ  d < 1  M ܾ    L%   @d0 Ђ  & ` Y 1!| S D  |  ZS    H& X [ 1 &  [ 1 & x   & [, !Ex  X 8     ,   &  t!P\\( ( (  \\\   @       &  <    (  \ ` ` d0>#Pl \\   Specifies ODL 'defaultvtable' attributet!P]]    h ]]h             th       &  X \ \ 0>#P  ]]h  t!P^^   f ^^f    |   &        0>#P ^^f L t!P__    __ < < < T P P & \ d  0>#P0 __ XEPt!P``     p``       &  0>#P`` XEPdefaultvtableAttribute0+e ,  b\      p  t    t 4 4 t &  c 1!| S  t!Pdd   t | | t    dd   @       &  ( , , 0>#Pdd h p t |   eS  <  t H& t f 1t & \ f 1t &   t & f4 !E  t T t    H   &  t!PggD D D  \gg   @       &  X 4   0  x | | d0>#P gg   Specifies IDL 'displaybind' attributet!Phh( ( ( h hhh       \  h        ( ` d d th d d d  x x &     0>#P hhh   @t!PiiD D D f iif    |   &    ` l l    0>#P iif  t!Pjj    jj       &  0>#Pjj XEPdisplaybindAttribute0+e <  lL    h 0   @\    \   \ & m 1  \ H& 0 n 1\ & D nܦ 1\ &   \ & n  !E 0  \ t t t    &  t!Poo    \oo   @       &   P    | 0 4 4 d0>#P8 oo p x Specifies IDL 'entry' attributet!Ppp   h pph p p p         th       &  $ ( ( 0>#P pph d @t!Pqq   f qqf T T T | h h & t       0>#P qqf  t!Prr` ` `  rr       & ( 0  0>#P rr XEPt!Pss    pss    T   &  0>#Pss XEPentryAttribute0+e L  u$ p     D  @8    8   entry_id8 &  vl 1!\ S d 8 \  wS   8 H& x x 18 & , x̧ 18 &   8 & x !E x X  8    L   &  t!PyyH H H  \yy   @       &  \    4 | |   d0>#P, yy   Specifies IDL 'first_is' attributet!Pzz, , , h zzh         h       \ , h T T T 4 h h < t    th       &   p      0>#P zzh X (t!P{{    {{ H H H T \ \ & h 0>#P\ {{ XEPt!P||   f ||f    |   &  ( 4 4 P \ \ 0>#P ||f  t!P}}    (#}} x x x    &  0>#P}} XEPfirst_isAttribute0+e l   X   X m   (          & \ \ 1!| S @ t!P     ( (  < <  x | | @ | | |    &     0>#P     | x \ S      H&  t 1  &   1  & 0    &  !E0 x    h h h  | | &  t!P    \   @       &   L    x $ ( ( d0>#P4  d l Specifies IDL 'helpcontext' attributet!P   h h l l l D        th       &   $ $ 0>#P h ` ?t!P   f f P P P | d d & p       0>#P| f  t!P\ \ \         & $ ,  0>#P  XEPt!P    p    T   &  0>#P XEPhelpcontextAttribute0+e | p   t 8 D  4 8  ?<    <   helpcontext_value< &  L 1! S p <   S   < H&  d 1< & 8  1< &   < & ܩ !E  d  <    X   &  t!PT T T  \   @       &  h  (  T     d0>#P    Specifies IDL 'helpfile' attributet!P8 8 8 h h    t     ( , , th , , ,  @ @ & L    0>#PL h  t!P    f f    |   &   $ $ @ L L 0>#P f x t!P     h h h T | | &    0>#P\  XEPt!PL L L  p       &  0>#P XEPhelpfileAttribute0+e  H 4   \ h  /  $  H H H  \ \ filename &  < 1! S    4 S    H&  T 1 &   1 &  x  & ̪ !E4     $ $ $  8 8 & D t!P    \T  X  X  @ X  X  X   l  l  & x     P   4     d0>#P    (  Specifies IDL 'helpstring' attributet!P    h h (  (  (  D <  <   H     th       &     0>#P  h   ?t!Pd  d  d  f f    |   & ,  p  |  |      0>#P8 f  t!P           &   t 0>#P  XEPt!P    p L L L T ` ` & l 0>#P XEPhelpstringAttribute0+e    ,   t    | ?       help_text_string & D D 1! S (    S    H& < \ 1 &   1 & \   & ԫ !E <  \        &  t!P     \   @       &   p     @ D D d0>#PX    Specifies ODL 'helpstringcontext' attributet!P   h h    D        th       &  D H H 0>#P  h  ?t!P   f f t t t |   &        0>#P f 8 t!P     ( ( (  < < & H P 0>#P XEPhelpstringcontextAttribute0+e        `  T p ?       contextid & 0 4 1! d0     d0    H& ( L 1 &   1 & H   & Ĭ !E (  H  p p p    &  t!P    \   @       &   T$    " , 0 0 d0>#P#P" h h! t!P! ! ! f f X" X" X" | l" l" & x" " " " " " " 0>#P$ f # t!Pd# d# d#   $ $ $ T $ $ & ,$ 4$ % 0>#P&  XEPt!P$ $ $  p % % %  % % & % 0>#P XEPhelpstringdllAttribute0+e  & ܬ |&   (  @ & D& & & & D& ' ' D& & ' $ 1! S d' D&  ' S !  D& H& x( < "1D& & ,'  $1D& & ' ( D& &  &!E' x( X( ' D& ( ( ( L( ( ( & ( t!PH) H) H)  \) ) ) @ ) ) )  * * & * \* , * + 4, |, |* * * d0>#Pt-  * * Specifies IDL 'hidden' attributet!P,+ ,+ ,+ h h + + +  + +   + h , , ,  , , , ,, h T, T, T,  h, h, \ t, h , , , x , , L , , 0- . l0 - - - th - - -  - - & (- `- d- d- 0>#P(/ h - 7t!P- - - f $f . . . | . . & . . / / / (/ (/ 0>#P0 f T/ t!P/ / /  " D0 D0 D0  X0 X0 & d0 0>#P XEPhiddenAttribute0+e  1  + 1   2 0 * p1 70 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 & , ,1  0 H& 2 , -10 & 1 t /10 & 2 X2 0 &  1!E2 2 2 0 3 3 3 2 3 3 & 3 t!P3 3 3  \04 44 44 @ 44 44 44  H4 H4 & T4 4 07 \4 $6 l6 6 4 4 4 d0>#Pd7  4 5 Specifies IDL 'id' attributet!Pd5 d5 d5 h h 5 5 5  6 6 \ 6 h D6 D6 D6  X6 X6 l d6 h 6 6 6  6 6  6 6 6 6 th 6 6 6  6 6 & 7 7 8 \: P7 T7 T7 0>#P9 h 7 `@t!P7 7 7 f lf 8 8 8 | 8 8 & 8 8 8 8 <<L<L\ 9 9 9 <<L<L\0>#P: f D9 t!P9 9 9   4: 4: 4:  H: H: & T: 0>#P XEPidAttribute0+e  l; Ԯ 6 ;   H=  4 \; `@: ; ; ; : ; ; id_num: & <  81!, d0 ; : , h< d0 9  : H& = 4 :1: & ; | <1: & 0< < : &  >!Eh< = < 0< : X= X= X= < l= l= & x= t!P= = =  \> > > @ > > >  > > & > > B > @ @ (A ? ? ? d0>#PlA  T? \? Specifies IDL 'iid_is' attributet!P? ? ? h h \@ \@ \@  p@ p@  |@ h @ @ @ 4 @ @ < @ @ A A th A A A  A A & A XA \A \A 0>#PC h A t!PA A A   B B B T B B & B B #PD  XEPt!PlC lC lC f f D D D | (D (D & 4D xD D D D D D 0>#P0F f D t!P E E E  p  E E E  E E & E 0>#P XEPiid_isAttribute0+e <  G į DF ( 4 H  (? F lF G G G lF ,G ,G limited_expressionlF & G   F1!L S G lF L H S G  lF H& H $ H1lF & hG l J1lF & G PH lF &  L!E H H H G lF H H H H I I & I t!PI I I  \,J 0J 0J @ 0J 0J 0J  DJ DJ & PJ J tN XJ (L pL L J J J d0>#PM  J K Specifies IDL 'immediatebind' attributet!PhK hK hK h h L L L  L L \ L h HL HL HL  \L \L  hL L L L th L L L  L L & L L M M 0>#PN h #PXP f O t!PHO HO HO   O O O  P P & P 0>#P XEPimmediatebindAttribute0+e \ 4Q  QP L X R 0 J $Q @P HQ HQ HQ P \Q \Q P &  R1  P H& pR  S1P & Q D U1P & Q R P & t W!EQ pR PR P R R R DR R R & R t!P#PV  T T Specifies IDL 'import' attributet!P U U U h h U U U  U U  U V V V th V V V  (V (V & 4V lV pV pV 0>#PX h V t!PV V V 0 0 W W W  W W & W 0>#PY 0 XEPt!PpX pX pX f f Y Y Y | ,Y ,Y & 8Y @Y [ \ Y Y Y Y Y Y 0>#PD[ f Y t!P4Z 4Z 4Z  p Z Z Z  Z Z & Z 0>#P\  XEPt!P[ [ [   X\ X\ X\ T l\ l\ & x\ 0>#P XEPimportAttribute0+e l ]  ^4] d p @a Y T ] \ ] ] ] \ ] ] idl_file\ & D^ Ա `1!| S (^ t!P^ ^ ^ \ _ _ \ $_ $_  `_ d_ d_ d d_ d_ d_  x_ x_ & _ _ _ _ 0>#P _ ` \ | `` D` S b _  \ H& a  c1\ & ] 4 e1\ & ` ` \ & d g!E`` a ` ` \ Pa Pa Pa ` da da & pa t!Pa a a  \b b b @ b b b  b b & b b g b |d d `f c c c d0>#Pe  Lc Tc Specifies IDL 'importlib' attributet!Pc c c h h Td Td Td  hd hd  td d d d th d d d  d d & d e e e 0>#Pf h He t!Pe e e 0 0 8f 8f 8f  Lf Lf & Xf 0>#P\h 0 XEPt!P g g g f f g g g | g g & g g i k (h 4h 4h Ph \h \h 0>#Pi f h t!Ph h h  p xi xi xi T i i & i 0>#P\k  XEPt!PLj Lj Lj   j j j  k k & k 0>#P XEPimportlibAttribute0+e  4l | nk   n   c $l k Hl Hl Hl k \l \l tlb_filek & l IJ p1! S l k  4m S q  k H& m ܲ r1k & l $ t1k & l xm k & T v!E4m m m l k $n $n $n m 8n 8n & Dn t!Pn n n  \To Xo Xo @ Xo Xo Xo  lo lo & xo o Tr o Hq q q o o o d0>#Pr  p (p Specifies IDL 'in' attributet!Pp p p h h q q q  4q 4q  @q h hq hq hq  |q |q \ q h q q q  q q  q r r r th r r r  r r & ,r 4r s u tr xr xr 0>#P#Pu f ht t!Pt t t   Xu Xu Xu  lu lu & xu 0>#P XEP0+e  v l {$v   w 0 o tv Pu v v v u v v u &  |1  u H& w  }1u & v  1u & w \w u & , !Ew w w u x x x w x x & $x t!Px x x  \4y 8y 8y @ 8y 8y 8y  Ly Ly & Xy y  `y P{ { 4} y y y d0>#P{  z z Specifies that the arguments be #include'd into the ambient IDL filet!Pz z z h h ({ ({ ({  <{ <{  H{ { { { th { { {  { { & { { { { 0>#P} h | t!Pd| d| d| f f } } } | } } & ,} p} |} |} } } } 0>#P8 f } t!P~ ~ ~   ~ ~ ~ T ~ ~ & ~ ~ t 0>#P  XEPt!P    p L L L  ` ` & l 0>#P XEPincludeAttribute0+e   \ ,   <  y |        include_file & @  1! S $ t!P          \ ` ` @ ` ` `  t t &     0>#P     \ @ S  ̃   H&   1 &   1 &    & 4 !E\     L L L ؄ ` ` & l t!Pԅ ԅ ԅ  \|   @       &     x      d0>#P  H P Specifies IDL 'last_is' attributet!P   h h P P P  d d  p h       \  h    4   <  8 < < th < < <  P P & \ d  x ,    0>#P< h  (t!P, , ,   Ԋ Ԋ Ԋ T   &  0>#P  XEPt!P   f f P P P | d d & p    ܌   0>#Pl f  t!P\ \ \  (#       & $ 0>#P XEPlast_isAttribute0+e  D L       4 ( X X X  l l expression &   1! S ؏ t!P  @ @ @     Ԑ Ԑ       @     ( ( & 4 l p p 0>#P         S     H&   1 &   1 & ȑ T  & $ !E   ȑ        &  t!P      \  0 4 4 @ 4 4 4  H H & T  8 \ , t     d0>#Pl     Specifies IDL 'length_is' attributet!Pl l l h h        $ h L L L  ` ` \ l h    4   <     th       &    ,  X \ \ 0>#P h  (t!P        T   &  0>#P  XEPt!P\ \ \ f f    |   & $ h t t    0>#P  f Ț t!P    (#     ̛ ̛ & ؛ 0>#P XEPlength_isAttribute0+e   <      Д  (`    `   ` &   1! S  t!P   ` h h ` | |     @     О О & ܞ    0>#P T \ `    S  (  ` H& `  1` & H  1` & p  ` &  !E ` @ p `    4   & Ƞ t!P0 0 0  \ء ܡ ܡ @ ܡ ܡ ܡ    &  D   ԣ 0  d h h d0>#Pt    Specifies IDL 'licensed' attributet!P   h h         ̣    th       & ( ` d d 0>#P( h  t!P   f f    |   &      ( ( 0>#P f T t!P     D D D  X X & d l 0>#P XEP 0 Ҹ   x# l чX )U =0 j< dl P :P H pI KhJ \ l   ب L r ( Ԭ ~0 ȶ d>8 \ _@ ^H P  0 MX & X e` h . Ԯ 6p ! ( x |  د  $ M s x s ̰ d (  ` B  ~  4 iȕ  d Е +ؕ IJ h  0 H l = I X,  Xr $ A \ \ B B ش (  a0 L ` 8 @ X"  bH  P SP * *X ܶ d` ع ( {h l p xx #  P  Q ܸ  $ & p  ; C H -; }Ȗ - eЖ H k~ؖ I y     X - Ƚ == 8 Ё H # X  , h i( x 0 p tE8 @ 4 >H  P  zX X l S` xh  D p  cx  |. (  8 * h n   ( <  l #  \  Vȗ \ 0 ,З Ƚ ؗ ؽ    l K  e H  n ( 4  {  ߼  &  T ( 0 5w8 H, p @ , < 1H 3P 6X h/ ]` @ 1h p :x T |x ,v A x   ϖ x  8!   @   H  r  kȘ licensedAttribute0+e   , L 0 <   C0 x          & t 1   H&  t 1 &   1 & @   &  !E@    , , ,  @ @ & L t!P      \  \ ` ` @ ` ` `  t t &     P      d0>#P8   ( 0 Specifies IDL 'local' attributet!P!!   h !!h ( ( ( d < <  H h p p p    \     th       &  $ ( ( 0>#P !!h d "t!P""   f ""f T T T | h h & t | @       0>#P ""f ( t!P##p p p  ##     , , & 8 0>#P## XEPlocalAttribute0+e  T %  H T  0  D " h h h  | |  & &L 1   H&  'L 1 &  ' 1 &  ,  & 'ĸ !E  p     d   &  t!P((\ \ \  \((   @       & ( p  0  H     d0>#P@ ((   Specifies IDL 'max_is' attributet!P))@ @ @ h ))h         h     4 4 \ @ h h h h 4 | | <     th       &      , 0 0 0>#P ))h l (t!P**    ** \ \ \ T p p & | 0>#Pp ** XEPt!P++0 0 0 f ++f    |   &  < H H d p p 0>#P ++f  t!P,,    (#,,       &  0>#P,, XEPmax_isAttribute0+e   .ܸ h ` l h ^   (0    0   0 & l /$ 1! S P t!P00   0 8 8 0 L L  00   @       &     0>#P00 $ , 0   l 1S    0 H& 0 2< 10 &  2 10 & @  0 & 2 !E 0  @ 0 x x x    &  t!P33    \33   @       &       H 4 8 8 d0>#P 33 t | Specifies IDL 'ms_union' attributet!P44   h 44h | | |    ,  h    `        th     4 4 & @ x | | 0>#PP 44h  t!P55   f 55f    |   &     ( ( D P P 0>#P 55f | t!P66    66 l l l    &  0>#P66 XEPms_unionAttribute0+e   8̹ L     0 H          & 9 1   H&  : 1 &  :\ 1 & @   & : !E@    , , ,  @ @ & L t!P;;    \;;\ ` ` @ ` ` `  t t &     X  <    d0>#P ;; ( 0 Specifies ODL 'nonbrowsable' attributet!P<<   h <<h 0 0 0  D D \ P    th       &     0>#P <<h $  t!P==l l l f ==f    | ( ( & 4 x      0>#P@ ==f  t!P>>     >>       &   0>#P>> XEPnonbrowsableAttribute0+e ( :  @     0     0 0 0  D D  & A 1   H& X B 1 & l B4 1 &    & Bd !E X 8     ,   &  t!PCC$ $ $  \CC   @       &  8 H   $  X \ \ d0>#Ph CC   Specifies ODL 'noncreatable' attributet!PDD   h DDh             th       &  T X X 0>#P DDh  t!PEE   L  EEL     (    &  0>#P EEL  XEPt!PFFX X X f FFf    |   &  (  t      0>#P, FFf  t!PGG    pGG       &  0>#PGG XEPnoncreatableAttribute0+e 8 ,  I|    | h0 l  p    p 0 0 p & JĻ 1  p H& D KĻ 1p & X K  1p &   p & K< !E D $ p       &  t!PLL    \LL   @       &  $ l     D H H d0>#PT LL   Specifies IDL 'nonextensible' attributet!PMM   h MMh       ,     th       &  @ D D 0>#P MMh  t!PNN   f NNf p p p |   &        0>#P NNf 4 t!POO| | |  OO $ $ $  8 8 & D L 0>#POO XEPnonextensibleAttribute0+e H x QT     0 X h         & R 1   H&  S 1 &  S 1 &  P  & S !E           &  t!PTT    \TT( , , @ , , ,  @ @ & L   T  x     d0>#P TT   Specifies IDL 'odl' attributet!PUU\ \ \ h UUh       ,  L P P th P P P  d d & p    0>#Pp UUh  t!PVV0 0 0 f VVf    |   &  < H H d p p 0>#P VVf  t!PWW    WW       &   0>#PWW XEPodlAttribute0+e X 0  Y, x   L  0   @    @   @ & Zt 1  @ H&   [t 1@ & (  [ 1@ & l   @ & [ !El     @ X  X  X   l  l  & x  t!P\\     \\\    @       &   <    h       d0>#P$ \\ T  \  Specifies IDL 'oleautomation' attributet!P]]    h ]]h \  \  \   p  p  , |     th       &     0>#P ]]h P t!P^^   f ^^f @ @ @ | T T & `       0>#Pl ^^f  t!P__L L L  __       &   0>#P__ XEPoleautomationAttribute0+e h H a     0 (  8  \ \ \  p p  & bL 1   H&  cL 1 &  c 1 &    & cľ !E  d     X   &  t!PddP P P  \dd   @       &  d @ $  <     d0>#P dd   Specifies IDL 'optional' attributet!Pee4 4 4 h eeh         h     ( (  4 l p p th p p p    &     0>#P eeh  Pt!PffP P P f fff    |   &    l x x    0>#P$ fff  t!Pgg    gg       &  0>#Pgg XEPoptionalAttribute0+e x  iܾ    p 0   Pd    d $ $ d & j$ 1  d H& 8 k$ 1d & L kl 1d &   d & k !!E 8  d | | |    &  t!Pll    \ll   @       &   !    8! 8 < < d0>#P! ll x  Specifies the IDL 'out' attributet!Pmm   h mmh         h       \  h ! ! !  $! $!  0! h! l! l! th l! l! l!  ! ! & ! ! ,# $ ! ! ! 0>#P# mmh "  Pt!Pnn\" \" \" f lnnf # # # | # # & $# h# t# t# <<L<L\# # # <<L<L\0>#P % nnf # t!Poo$ $ $  oo $ $ $  $ $ & $ 0>#Poo XEP0+e  % q &% , 8 0A 0 L % PL% % % % L% & & 8 @1 Ђ P  L% D& 1   &  H LI  & d0  2 1  S @1   H L'  1 0 p8 & ' 0 1 -LW ?  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R@d0 x L% & r,& '1  L% H& @ s,& (1L% & @ st& *1L% & P@ @ L% & s& ,!EP@ @ @ L% #PE tt 8C @C Specifies IDL 'pointer_default' attributet!PuuC C C h uuh HD HD HD  \D \D , hD D D D th D D D  D D & D D E E 0>#PF uuh #PXH vvf F t!Pww8G 8G 8G  ww G G G  G G & H H 0>#Pww XEPpointer_defaultAttribute0+e  8I y& 1H D P L   C (I +H | J z& 2I I @I pb |b ptr @J {& 3{ |J {& 4unique L |& 5H J J J H J J H J J J LI J J H J J J LI K K H & K }' 71! & hK H K K K LI K K H  K ~& 8  H H& L 4' 91H & 0K |' ;1H & K @L H & ' =!E@J K L L XI K J |J H L L L xL M M & M t!PM M M  \,N 0N 0N @ 0N 0N 0N  DN DN & PN N S XN 0P P R N N N d0>#PP  N O Specifies that the arguments pass to #pragmat!PpO pO pO h h P P P  P P  (P `P dP dP th dP dP dP  xP xP & P P P P 0>#PTR h P t!PDQ DQ DQ   Q Q Q T R R & R 0>#PT  XEPt!PR R R f f hS hS hS | |S |S & S S TU V S S S T T T 0>#PU f #PW  XEPt!PV V V 0 0 V V V  V V & V 0>#P0 XEPpragmaAttribute0+e  W ' DW h t Y  N W LW W W W LW X X token_sequenceLW & X $( F1!Ȩ S |X LW Ȩ X S G  LW H& Y <( H1LW & DX ( J1LW & X ,Y LW & ( L!EX Y pY X LW Y Y Y dY Y Y & Y t!P`Z `Z `Z  \[ [ [ @ [ [ [  [ [ & ,[ t[ ] 4[ \ D] ] [ [ [ d0>#P^  [ [ Specifies IDL 'ptr' attributet!P<\ <\ <\ h h \ \ \  \ \  \ h ] ] ]  0] 0] \ <] h d] d] d] 4 x] x] < ] h ] ] ]  ] ]   ] ] @^ _ |a ^ ^ ^ th ^ ^ ^  ,^ ,^ & 8^ p^ t^ t^ 0>#P8` h ^ (t!P^ ^ ^ f $f _ _ _ | _ _ & _ ` ` ` ,` 8` 8` 0>#Pa f d` t!P` ` `  " Ta Ta Ta  ha ha & ta 0>#P XEPptrAttribute0+e ب b ( Q0b   d 0 [ b (a b b b a b b a & ) R1  a H& c ) S1a & b \) U1a & $c hc a & ) W!E$c c c a d d d c $d $d & 0d t!Pd d d  \@e De De @ De De De  Xe Xe & de e p le #Pg  f f Specifies IDL 'public' attributet!P|f |f |f h h g g g  (g (g   4g lg pg pg th pg pg pg  g g & g g g g 0>#Pi h h t!PPh Ph Ph f f h h h | i i & i \i hi hi i i i 0>#P f i t!Pj j j l \  < l \  < l \  < l \  < l \  , < l     \  < l \   < l   \  < l \  , < l    \   < l \   l < \   < l \  < l \  < l \ ! 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L X  0 ľ L P p p p     & D/ 1   H&  D/ 1 &  / 1 &  4  & / !E  x     l   &  t!Pd d d  \    @     $ $ & 0 x  8  P     d0>#PH    Specifies IDL 'size_is' attributet!PH H H h h         h ( ( (  < < \ H h p p p 4   <     th       &      4 8 8 0>#P h t (t!P     d d d T x x &  0>#Px  XEPt!P8 8 8 f f    |   &  D P P l x x 0>#P f  t!P    (#       &  0>#P XEPsize_isAttribute0+e h  / t d p t    (<    <   < & x 0 1! 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X X X  l l  & 1 1         &  \ 2 1!| S @  & P  t!P    H H  \ \  \    p       &     d 0>#P 4 <  |  | S     H&  1 1 &  \2 1 & 2 !EP   t  h h h h | | &  t!P    \   @       &       8 $ ( ( d0>#P|  d l Specifies IDL 'switch_is' attributet!P   h h l l l 4   <  h    `        th     $ $ & 0 h l l 0>#P h  t!P        T   &   L  0>#P  XEPt!P| | | f f $ $ $ | 8 8 & D       0>#P@ f  t!P0 0 0  p        &  0>#P XEPswitch_isAttribute0+e   2      8   , , ,  @ @  &  2 1!L S   L  S    H&  3 1 & h L3 1 &  P  & |3 !E            &  t!P    \, 0 0 @ 0 0 0  D D & P  t X ( p     d0>#P    Specifies IDL 'switch_type' attributet!Ph h h h h    4   <  h H H H ` \ \  h    th       &     0>#P h < t!P     , , , T @ @ & L T  \ 0>#P   XEPt!P    4       &  0>#P  XEPt!P   f df 4 4 4 | H H & T    44D4DT   44D4DT0>#Pf  switch_typeAttribute0+e  `j  3 P              switch_type_specifier & l 3 1! S P    S    H& d 3 1 &  <4 1 &    & l4 !E d D      8   &  t!P4 4 4  \   @       &  H X    4   h l l d0>#Px     Specifies IDL 'transmit_as' attributet!P   h h              th       & ,  d  h  h  0>#P  h  t!P             T   &  0>#P    XEPt!P  h  h  h  f   f       | $  $  & 0  8          0>#P<  f  t!P  ,  ,  ,   p         &  0>#P   XEPtransmit_asAttribute0+e ȩ   4     # |   , , ,  @ @ xmit_type &  4 1!ة S   ة  S    H&  4 1 & t ,5 1 &  \  & \5 !E           & ( t!P    \8 < < @ < < <  P P & \   d 4      d0>#P     Specifies ODL 'uidefault' attributet!Pt t t h h       \ , d h h th h h h  | | &     0>#P h   t!PH H H f f    |   &  T ` ` |   0>#P f  t!P           &   0>#P XEPuidefaultAttribute0+e   t5  0 < h 0   \    \   \ & 5 1  \ H& 0 5 1\ & D 6 1\ &   \ & 46 !E 0  \ t t t    &  t!P    \   @       &       0 0 4 4 d0>#P(  p x Specifies IDL 'unique' attributet!P   h h x x x      h       \  h    4   < ( h P P P  d d   p x  l  "    th       &     0>#P  h T (t!P   f $f D  D  D  | X  X  & d         0>#P`" f ! t!PP! P! P!  " ! ! !  " " & " 0>#P XEPuniqueAttribute0+e   4# L6 " H T $ 0 D $# (" H# H# H# " \# \# " & 6 1  " H& p$ 6 1" & # 6 1" & # $ " &  7 !E# p$ P$ " $ $ $ D$ $ $ & $ t!P!!<% <% <%  \!!% % % @ % % %  % % & & P& + & ' D( ) p& t& t& d0>#P( !! & & Specifies IDL 'usesgetlasterror' attributet!P""(' (' (' h ""h ' ' '  ' '  ' ( ( ( th ( ( (  0( 0( & <( t( x( x( 0>#P<* ""h ( @t!P##( ( ( f ##f ) ) ) | ) ) & ) * * * 0* <* <* 0>#P+ ##f h* t!P$$* * *  $$ X+ X+ X+  l+ l+ & x+ + 0>#P$$ XEPusesgetlasterrorAttribute0+e  , &$7 P, ` l $. ,0 & , @, , , , , , , , & 'l7 !1  , H& - (l7 "1, & - (7 $1, & D- - , & (7 &!ED- - - , 0. 0. 0. - D. D. & P. t!P)). . .  \))`/ d/ d/ @ d/ d/ d/  x/ x/ & / / 5 / \1 1 @3 / / / d0>#P1 )) ,0 40 Specifies IDL 'v1_enum' attributet!P**0 0 0 h **h 41 41 41  H1 H1 , T1 1 1 1 th 1 1 1  1 1 & 1 1 1 1 0>#P3 **h (2 t!P++p2 p2 p2 f ++f 3 3 3 | ,3 ,3 & 83 |3 3 3 3 3 3 0>#PD5 ++f 3 t!P,,$4 $4 $4  ,, 4 4 4  4 4 & 4 4 0>#P,, XEPv1_enumAttribute0+e  6 .7 +5 x  7 M0 0  6 5 06 06 06 5 D6 D6 5 & /D8 ,1  5 H& X7 0D8 -15 & l6 08 /15 & 6 6 5 & 08 1!E6 X7 87 5 7 7 7 ,7 7 7 & 7 t!P11$8 $8 $8  \118 8 8 @ 8 8 8  8 8 & 8 89 = 8 : ; l; X9 \9 \9 d0>#P; 11 9 9 Specifies IDL 'vararg' attributet!P22: : : h 22h : : :  : : \ : h : : :  : :  ; @; D; D; th D; D; D;  X; X; & d; ; ; ; 0>#Pt= 22h ;  @t!P33$< $< $< f 33f < < < | < < & < < > @= L= L= h= t= t= 0>#P> 33f = t!P44= = =  44 > > >  > > & > 0>#P44 XEPvarargAttribute0+e ( ? 68 6l?   @A 0 l9 ? @4? ? ? ? 4? ? ? 4? & 79 71  4? H& A 89 814? & @ 8d9 :14? & `@ @ 4? & 89 <!E`@ A @ 4? LA LA LA @ `A `A & lA t!P99A A A  \99|B B B @ B B B  B B & B B G B xD D \F C C C d0>#PE 99 HC PC Specifies IDL 'wire_marshal' attributet!P::C C C h ::h PD PD PD  dD dD   pD D D D th D D D  D D & D E E E 0>#PF ::h DE t!P;;E E E  ;; 4F 4F 4F T HF HF & TF 0>#PXH ;; XEPt!P<<G G G f <<f G G G | G G & G G I $H 0H 0H LH XH XH 0>#PI <<f H t!P==H H H  p== tI tI tI  I I & I 0>#P== XEPwire_marshalAttribute0+e 8 J ?9 BXJ   L  C J  J J J J J J J wire_type J & hK @9 D1!H S LK  J H K AS E   J H& `L B : F1 J & K BT: H1 J & K K  J & B: J!EK `L @L K J L L L 4L L L & L t!PCC0M 0M 0M  \CCM M M @ M M M  M M & M DN P #P,Q CC N N Specifies that the UDT is a native, COM or managed event sourcet!PDD,O ,O ,O h DDh O O O p O O  O h P P P ( P P L ,P h TP TP TP  hP hP   tP P P P th P P P  P P & P P pR S U Q Q Q 0>#PR DDh XQ t!PEEQ Q Q L  EEL  HR HR HR (  \R \R & hR 0>#P\T EEL  XEPt!PFFS S S f FFf S S S | S S & S (T 4T 4T PT \T \T 0>#PU FFf T t!PGGT T T  (#GG xU xU xU  U U & U 0>#PlW GG XEPt!PHHLV LV LV X &HHX V V V 4 W W & W W 0>#PHHX XEPevent_sourceAttribute0+e X HX J: QW   `  xN 8X +W | Y K: RX X @X b  LY L: S Y L: T Y M: Uoptimize_e+W h xZ N: VY #PSSg ^ ^ !: W ^ ^ ^ \X ^ ^ W  \_ _ T: ^ `^ optimizeW (_ (_ (_ Y <_ <_ W  _ U: _ decorateW  _ V0 ` 8* `  W H& ` W,; a1W & [ W; c1W & W; e!E` ` H\ _ Y hX ^ Y LY Y xZ Z \_ _ W a a a <\ a a & (a t!PXXa a a f XXf 8b 8b 8b | Lb Lb & Xb b `b b b b b c c 0>#PXXf ,c hookAttribute0+e  c Y; g|c   j  c c Dc c c c Dc d d Dc & Z4< h1 Dc dd dd dd Dc xd xd sourceDc & ,d e [d< k1{ LS Ȫ xS d Dc & g @j Dc @e @e @e Dc Te Te handlerDc & d f \< o1{ S Ȫ S ت S e Dc f f f Dc (f (f receiverDc & e f ]< t1{ (S Ȫ TS ت S  S f Dc { Hg ^S u Dc Ȫ g _S v Dc ت i `S w t!Paag g g Dc lh lh Dc h h g  aah h h g h h h k h h & h g i i i h i i @i Di Di  0>#Paag i i  Q li thisDc  i i bS z Ti  Dc H& j c4< {1Dc & \f c = }1Dc & c<= !Eg i j ,e Hg g i Dc j j j e j j & j t!Pdd`k `k `k f ddf l l l | l l & (l pl 0l l l l l l l 0>#Pddf l unhookAttribute0+e  $, m eT= Lm , 8 pt ' l m m m m m m m m m & f= 1 m 4n 4n 4n m Hn Hn m & m n g= 1{ LS Ȫ xS n m & p s m o o o m o o m & pn o h= 1{ S Ȫ S ت S |o m o o o m o o m & Do p i,> 1{ (S Ȫ TS ت S  S Hp m { p jS  m Ȫ 4q kS  m ت hs lS  t!Pmmq q q m r r m 4r 4r g  mmpr tr tr g tr tr tr k r r & r g r r r h r r r r r  0>#Pmmg 4s  1m & o> !Ep s 8t n p 4q hs m t t t n t t & t e X, t u P$Pe e h t t!Pqqxu xu xu f qqf v v v | 4v 4v & @v v lz Hv x dx x v v v v v v 0>#Py qqf w t!Prr\w \w \w h rrh w w w  x x  x h #Pz rrh 0y t!Pssxy xy xy  ss z $z $z  $z $z $z  8z 8z & Dz Lz z z z 0>#Pss z z Synchronize access to this member functionsynchronizeAttribute0+t  { t> T{ h t (} 0 v { { { { { { { { { & u? 1  { H& | v? 1{ & | vL? 1{ & H| | { & v|? !EH| | | { 4} 4} 4} | H} H} & T} t!Pww} } } f wwf d~ d~ d~ | x~ x~ & ~ ~ l ~ `   ~     , , 0>#P wwf X t!Pxx   h xxh 8 8 8  L L   X h    p     h Ȁ Ȁ Ȁ ( ܀ ܀ L   $ $ dh $ $ $  8 8 & D L  d    0>#P$ xxh ́ t!Pyy    Hyy     Ђ Ђ & ܂ 0>#P yy XEPt!Pzz    zz8 < <  < < <  P P & \    0>#Pzz Ԅ ܄ Adds support for SOAPsoap_handlerAttribute0+t   |? 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Consider using fopen_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.fopent!P| | | g } } } ||>#P} } ~ ~ !XV =#P} i } !XV =#P} n } } @>#P } g t!Ph~ h~ h~ g    >#P$    !|0 =#P4 i L !XV =#P` `i L x @>#P  g t!P   g $ ,>#P    !|0 =#P i ؀ !pV =#P \j ؀  @>#P g ~ t!P g p< D D ``x>#PL !XV =#P\ i t !XV =#P n t @>#PD D g t!P   g ȃ Ѓ Ѓ >#P؃ < D D !|0 =#P i !XV =#P `i , @>#PЅ Ѓ g t!P g T \ \ >#Pd ȅ Ѕ Ѕ !|0 =#Pt i !pV =#P \j @>#P\ g  G, { ]  !  / TS ~ / TS \  { t!P g P @@X>#P   !XV =#P i Ї !4 =#P ` dl Ї @>#P  g t!Px x x g $ , , >#P4 !|0 =#PD i \ !XV =#Pp `i \ @>#P, , g t!P   g  >#P $ , , !|0 =#PЊ i !XV =#P `i  @>#P  g t!P t 4< D D $$<>#PL !|0 =#P\ u t !XV =#P v t @>#PD D t t!P   t ȍ Ѝ Ѝ pp>#P؍ < D D !|0 =#P u !XV =#P 8v , @>#PЍ t  t!P g d l l >#Pt ؏ !XV =#P i !XV =#P n ȏ @>#Pl l g t!PD D D g   >#P d l l !|0 =#P i ( !XV =#P< `i ( T @>#P  g t!PБ Б Б g d| TTl>#P !|0 =#P i !pV =#PȒ \j @>#P g  t!Pl l l g  >#P( !XV =#P8 i P !XV =#Pd n P | @>#P  g t!P g  >#P  !|0 =#Pĕ i ܕ !XV =#P `i ܕ  @>#P  g t!P g H0 8 8 88P>#P@ !|0 =#PP i h !pV =#P| \j h @>#P8 g   x  ^  !d/ d^  / dS / X S , fprintft!P̘ ̘ ̘ g Pt x x @>#P !XV =#P i @>#PH x g t!P g ̚ Ԛ Ԛ ||>#Pܚ @ H H !|0 =#P i  !XV =#P `i  0 @>#PԜ Ԛ g t!P t X ` ` >#Ph ̜ Ԝ Ԝ !|0 =#Px u !XV =#P 8v @>#P` t  t!PH H H g $ ,>#P h p p !XV =#P i , !XV =#P@ n , X @>#P  g t!PԞ Ԟ Ԟ g p ``x>#P !|0 =#P i !XV =#P̟ `i @>#P  g t!P` ` ` g    >#P !|0 =#P, i D !pV =#PX \j D p @>#PH  g t!P SA_FormatStringAttribute   >#P D H H printf8^ ̢  XO ܢ 8^ $ printf=#P 0 4 4 @>#P  _Formatp <  P^  !d/ \ \ S p 2 У fprintf_st!Pt t t g P @>#P( ` d d !XV =#P8 i P @>#P  g t!Pȥ ȥ ȥ g t | | ||>#P !|0 =#P i !XV =#P `i ئ @>#P| | g t!PT T T t    >#P t | | !|0 =#P u 8 !XV =#PL 8v 8 d @>#P t d t!P g $ ,>#P    !XV =#P i ԩ !XV =#P n ԩ @>#P  g t!P| | | g p( 0 0 ``x>#P8 !|0 =#PH i ` !XV =#Pt `i ` @>#P0 0 g t!P   g  >#PĬ ( 0 0 !|0 =#PԬ i !pV =#P \j  @>#PԮ  g t!P   < @ @ >#PH Ю Ԯ Ԯ printf8^ X  XO h 8^ printf=#P 0 4 @>#P@   l P^ !d/ (\ d \ S  2 T fputct!P g P @>#P !XV =#P i а @>#P  g t!PH H H g    |||>#P !|0 =#P i 8 !XV =#PL `i 8 d !pV =#P| \j 8 d @>#P g  t!P$ $ $ g ̳ г г >#Pس    !XV =#P i @>#P г g t!Px x x g $$ , , ,>#P4 !|0 =#PD i \ !XV =#Pp `i \ @>#P, , g t!P   t p ``x>#P $ , , !|0 =#Pж u !XV =#P 8v  @>#P t  | \ # !/ d0 d/ 8\   _fputchart!P8 8 8 g P @>#P $ ( ( !XV =#P i  @>#P  g t!P g @ L L |||>#PT !|0 =#Pd i | !XV =#P `i | !pV =#P \j | غ @>#PL g (  h^ % !/ d0 ( t fputst!P g P @@X>#P  !XV =#P i ȼ !XV =#Pܼ n ȼ @>#P  g t!Pp p p g  $ $ >#P, !|0 =#P< i T !XV =#Ph `i T @>#P$ $ g t!P g  >#P  $ $ !|0 =#Pȿ i !pV =#P \j @>#P g _Str t!P g 4H L L $>#PT !XV =#Pd i | @>#P L g t!P g p ``x>#P    !|0 =#P i !XV =#P `i  @>#P  g t!P t , 4 4 >#P< !|0 =#PL u d !XV =#Px 8v d @>#P4 t   \ ^ ( ! \S d/ \ ( fread_ElementSize_Countt!P g Pt | | @@X>#P p x x !XV =#P i @_ElementSize*_Count^ , XO ^ 4 , @_ElementSize*_Count=#P Dm ` @>#P| | g t!P g !|0  XV  XV >#P t | | !|0 =#P i  xN !XV !XV =#PL `i  d @>#P g _DstBufx t!P g XV  XV >#P D H H xN !XV !XV =#P i 4 @>#P  g t!P g $!|0  XV | XV p ,pV X pV ,<>#P !|0 =#P i  xN !XV !XV =#PX `i  p N !pV !pV =#P \j  p @>#P g H t!P` ` ` g XV  XV 8 < < p>#PD xN  !XV !XV =#P i @>#PT < g t!P   g !|0 @ L L XV | XV pV X pV  >#PT H T T !|0 =#Pd i | xN !XV !XV =#P `i | N ( !pV !pV =#P \j | 8 @>#PL g  t!P g XV  XV ` >#P    xN x !XV !XV =#P i  @>#P  g t!P| | | g T!|0 p x x DXV | XV @ D\>#P    !|0 =#P i xN X !XV !XV =#P `i  @>#P x g t!P t !|0 t | | XV | XV D >#P  !|0 =#P u xN \ !XV !XV =#P 8v  @>#P| t    ^ - ! 2 x $4 H \4 d/  \   fread_st!PX X X g P @@X>#P   !XV =#P$ i < @_ElementSize*_Count^ P , XO | ^ , @_ElementSize*_Count=#P Dm < @>#P  g t!Pl l l g !|0 ` h h XV  XV 0 >#Pp  !|0 =#P i xN H !XV !XV =#P `i @>#Ph g  t!P g XV  XV  X \ \ >#Pd xN 0 !XV !XV =#P i @>#Pt \ g t!P4 4 4 g $!|0 ` l l XV | XV ,pV X pV 0 ,<>#Pt h t t !|0 =#P i xN  !XV !XV =#P `i N H !pV !pV =#P@ \j X @>#Pl g _DstSize t!P g XV  XV p>#P @ D D xN !XV !XV =#P i 0 @>#P  g t!P g !|0  XV | XV l pV X pV >#P !|0 =#P i  xN !XV !XV =#PT `i  l N !pV !pV =#P \j  l @>#P g D t!P\ \ \ g XV  XV 4 8 8 >#P@ xN !XV !XV =#P i @>#PP 8 g t!P   g T!|0 < H H DXV | XV D\pV X pV D\l>#PP D P P !|0 =#P` i x xN !XV !XV =#P `i x N $ !pV !pV =#P \j x 4 @>#PH g  t!P g XV  XV \ >#P    xN t !XV !XV =#P i @>#P  g t!Px x x g !|0 l t t XV | XV < >#P|    !|0 =#P i xN T !XV !XV =#P `i @>#P t g t!P| | | t 8!|0 p x x (XV | XV @ (@>#P    !|0 =#P u xN X !XV !XV =#P 8v  @>#Px t    ^ 3 ! 2  <4 t4 D 4 d/ T \   t!Pd d d t P    @>#P t ( ( ( z < <  H !XV =#Pp  z @>#P  t freopen_sThis function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using freopen_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.freopent!P g ` h h ||>#Pp !XV =#P i !XV =#P n @>#Ph h g t!P@ @ @ g  >#P ` h h !|0 =#P i $ !XV =#P8 `i $ P @>#P  g t!P g $x ,>#P !|0 =#P i !pV =#P \j @>#P g  t!Ph h h g p   ``x>#P$ !XV =#P4 i L !XV =#P` n L x @>#P  g t!P g  >#P    !|0 =#P i !XV =#P `i  @>#P  g t!P g , 4 4 >#P< !|0 =#PL i d !pV =#Px \j d @>#P4 g  t!P   g T D>#P  !XV =#P i @>#P  g t!Pp p p g  $ $ >#P, !|0 =#P< i T !XV =#Ph `i T @>#P$ $ g t!P t    >#P  $ $ !|0 =#P u  !XV =#P 8v   @>#P t  G<  ^ 7 !` , / `S / `S d/  \   t!PX X X g P   @@X>#P x   !XV =#P$ i < !4 =#PP ` dl < h @>#P    g t!P   g    >#P    !|0 =#P i  !XV =#P `i   @>#P  g t!Pp p p g  $ $ >#P,    !|0 =#P< i T !XV =#Ph `i T  @>#P$ $ g t!P   t 4   $$<>#P  $ $ !|0 =#P u  !XV =#P v   @>#P   t t!P   t 4  <  <  pp>#PD     !|0 =#PT  u l  !XV =#P  8v l   @>#P<  t  t!P$  $  $  g     >#P  D  L  L  !XV =#P  i   !XV =#P  n   4  @>#P    g t!P    g \  d  d   >#Pl     !|0 =#P|  i  !XV =#P  `i   @>#Pd d  g t!P<  <  <  g d    TTl>#P  \ d d !|0 =#P i  !pV =#P4 \j  L @>#P  g L  t!P   g    >#P    !XV =#P i  !XV =#P n   @>#P  g t!Pd d d g    >#P     !|0 =#P0 i H !XV =#P\ `i H t @>#P  g t!P   g H   88P>#P    !|0 =#P i  !pV =#P \j   @>#P g  t!P   g 4 8 8 >#P@ x | | !XV =#PP i h @>#P 8 g t!P   g    >#P    !|0 =#P i  !XV =#P `i   @>#P  g t!Pl l l t     $>#P(    !|0 =#P8 u P !XV =#Pd 8v P | @>#P  t _OldFile|   ^ < !d/ d^  / dS L  / X S  L \ |   t!P     t P  x | | @>#P    t    z     !XV =#P  z  @>#P   | t fscanf_sThis function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using fscanf_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.fscanft!P     g      |>#P    !XV =#P i  @>#P   g t!P  p p p g    $ $ >#P,    !|0 =#P< i T !XV =#Ph `i T  @>#P$  $ g t!P     t      >#P  $ $ !|0 =#P u  !XV =#P 8v   @>#P   t   t!P     g `  D  L  L  PPh>#PT     !XV =#Pd  i |  !XV =#P  n |   @>#PL"  L  g t!P  $! $! $! g   ! ! ! >#P! D" L" L" !|0 =#P! i " !XV =#P" `i " 4" @>#P#  ! g t!P  " " " g   \# d# d# >#Pl# # # # !|0 =#P|# i # !pV =#P# \j # # @>#Pt%  d# g t!P  <$ <$ <$   D  $ $ $ 4>#P$ p% t% t% scanf_ %  XO % _ T% scanf=#P<% 0 4 `% @>#P  $    G| X& P^ ? !% l d/ \  \ dS  2 & L&  _fscanf_s_lThis function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using _fscanf_s_l instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details._fscanf_lt!P  `' `' `' g P  XV  XV ' 8( <( <( @>#PD( ( ( ( xN ( !XV !XV =#P( i ( @>#P*  <( g t!P  ) ) ) g   !|0 * * * |XV | XV ) |>#P* * * * !|0 =#P(* i @* xN ) !XV !XV =#P* `i @* * @>#P,  * g t!P  + + + t   !|0  , , , XV | XV + >#P, , , , !|0 =#P,, u D, xN + !XV !XV =#P, 8v D, , @>#P  , t ( t!P  ,- ,- ,- g $  XV  XV - 8. @. @. 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