label jj; type sa= array[1..4000] of char; var a:array[1..20] of sa; b: array[0..10] of char; i:longint; f,g:text; z,j:0..10; s:0..1; begin assign(f,''); reset(f); assign(g,'count.out'); rewrite(g); i:=0; z:=0; s:=0; while not eof(f) do begin inc(i); read(f,a[i]); if z=0 then begin b[1]:=a[i]; z:=1; end else if z=10 then goto jj else begin for j:=1 to z do if a[i]=b[j] then s:=1; if s=0 then begin inc(z); b[z]:=a[i]; end; s:=0; end; end; jj:write(g,z); close(f); close(g); end.