BWCCAPI.RW ========== This file describes technical aspects of the Borland Windows Custom Controls (BWCC) and contains information that might be useful or of interest to the advanced resource designer. You can, however, successfully create or modify application resources for BWCC using the information contained in the file MANUAL.RW. 1 Defining a derivative dialog class ------------------------------------------- To create your own dialog window class (for example, if you want the dialog box to have its own icon), you must "derive" your class from the BORDLG class. To derive a class from BORDLG, do the following: 1. Your dialog window function should call BWCCDefDlgProc, not the Windows standard DefDlgProc for messages that it does not process. 2. The window proc must call BWCCDefDlgProc for the following messages: WM_CTLCOLOR WM_NCCREATE WM_NCDESTROY WM_PAINT WM_ERASEBKGND 2 Technical description of Borland Windows Custom Controls ----------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3 through section 7 contains descriptions of each of the Borland Windows Custom Controls classes. Most of the subsection headings are self-explanatory, with the possible exception of the following: - "Class Name" gives the Resource Workshop name in quotation marks, followed by the identifier name--C define or Pascal constant. - "Window styles" include "Types" and "Options." Within each class there may be several "types" of controls. Types dictate the overall appearance and functionality of the control. Options are those available to each type of control. - "Messages" include "Commands" and "Notifications." Commands are messages to a control. Notifications are a special type of WM_COMMAND message used by controls. The control ID of the control is passed in the wParam of the message, while the lParam contains both the notification type and the window handle of the control. The notification type is contained in the high-order word of lParam and can be extracted using the HIWORD macro; the window handle is contained in the low-order word of lParam and can be extracted using the LOWORD macro. 3 BORBTN control ----------------------- Function: bitmapped push buttons and "splash panels" Class Name: "borbtn" ( BUTTON_CLASS ) 3.1 Window styles ---------------------- 3.1.1 Types inherited from standard Windows controls ------------------------------------------------------- BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON and BS_PUSHBUTTON ------------------------------------------- These types define the two standard Windows push button types: - BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON - BS_PUSHBUTTON The BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON type identifies the "default" push button. When the user presses the Enter key in a dialog box, the default button's ID is in the wParam of the WM_COMMAND message sent to the button's parent window. The Windows dialog manager sends a BN_CLICKED notification from that button to the dialog window. There are two exceptions: - If another button gains keyboard focus through a Tab keystroke, that key temporarily becomes the default button and is referenced in the BN_CLICKED notification. - If keyboard focus is in an edit control for which the ES_WANTRETURN flag is set, the Enter key inserts a carriage return into the text in the edit control. 3.1.2 Types unique to BWCC ----------------------------- BBS_BITMAP ------------------- This type is used to display "splash panels," which are bitmaps the user does not interact with. 3.1.3 Options inherited from standard Windows controls --------------------------------------------------------- [none] 3.1.4 Options unique to BWCC ------------------------------- BBS_PARENTNOTIFY ------------------------- This option causes the control to generate the following notification messages at run time: - BBN_SETFOCUS - BBN_SETFOCUSMOUSE - BBN_GOTATAB - BBN_GOTABTAB These notifications are described in section 3.2.4. BBS_OWNERDRAW ---------------------- This option causes the control to send WM_DRAWITEM to its parent at run time, for specialized drawing. 3.2 Messages ----------------- 3.2.1 Commands inherited from standard Windows controls ---------------------------------------------------------- BM_SETSTYLE -------------------- The Windows dialog manager uses this message to toggle between the BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON and BS_PUSHBUTTON types. BM_SETSTATE -------------------- This message changes the "highlight" state of a button. If the wParam of the message is nonzero, the button is highlighted (drawn as if it were pressed). BM_GETSTATE -------------------- This message determines whether a button is highlighted, has focus, and whether it is "checked" (checking does not, however, apply to buttons). The 0x0004 bit of the return value indicates that the button is highlighted (drawn with a heavy outline around the button); the 0x0008 bit indicates that the button has the focus (a dotted line surrounds the text caption). 3.2.2 Commands unique to BWCC -------------------------------- BBM_SETBITS -------------------- The application uses this message to pass a set of bitmap handles to the button. Normally, the buttons use the button control ID to automatically load bitmaps from the user's resources. If the bitmaps do not exist, the button caption is drawn into a default bitmap by using a lighter-weight version of the dialog font. To use this message, you must first create three bitmap images of a single button: - the button without keyboard focus - the button with keyboard focus, but not pressed - the button when it is "pressed" (or highlighted) After creating the bitmaps, you must put the handles to these bitmaps into an array and pass a far pointer to this array in the lParam of the BM_SETBITS message. The following C and Pascal samples show how this is done: C SAMPLE -------- HBITMAP hBits[3]; HWND hWndButton = GetDlgItem( hWnd, ID_FOO); hBits[0] = MakeNormalBitmap(...); hBits[1] = MakeHighlightBitmap(...); hBits[2] = MakeFocusBitmap(...); SendMessage( hWndButton, BBM_SETBITS, 0, (LONG) (LPSTR) hBits); PASCAL SAMPLE ------------- procedure SetBitmaps(Wnd: HWnd); var Bits: array[0..2] of HBitmap; WndButton: HWnd; begin WndButton := GetDlgItem(Wnd, id_Foo); Bits[0] := MakeNormalBitmap(...); Bits[1] := MakeHighlightBitmap(...); Bits[2] := MakeFocusBitmap(...); SendMessage(WndButton, BBM_SETBITS, 0, @@Bits); end; NOTE: If a button's bitmaps are initialized in this manner, the application must destroy the bitmaps by calling DeleteObject before it terminates. The application typically makes this call in the WM_DESTROY message handler for the button's parent window. 3.2.3 Notifications inherited from standard Windows controls --------------------------------------------------------------- BN_CLICKED ------------------- The button sends this message when it has been "pressed" by the user, either by clicking while the mouse pointer is within the button window or by either of the following keyboard actions: - The user presses the Spacebar or the Enter key when the button has keyboard focus. - The user presses the button's accelerator key when keyboard focus is in another control. To associate an accelerator key with a button, place an ampersand before the ASCII value of the key in the button's text (for example, "&Yes"). Note that case is not significant for button accelerators. BN_DOUBLECLICKED ------------------------- The button sends this message when it has been double-clicked by the user. The notification is sent at the time of the second mouse button-down message. 3.2.4 Notifications unique to BWCC ------------------------------------- The following notifications are available if you've specified the BBS_PARENTNOTIFY style. BBN_SETFOCUS --------------------- The button sends this notification to its parent window when it gains keyboard focus through an action other than a mouse click. BBN_SETFOCUSMOUSE -------------------------- The button sends this notification to its parent window when it gains keyboard focus through a mouse click. BBN_GOTATAB -------------------- The button sends this notification to its parent window when the user presses the key while keyboard focus is in the button. The parent can then intervene in the processing of the keystroke by returning a nonzero value. BBN_GOTABTAB --------------------- The button sends this notification to its parent window when the user presses Shift-Tab (back-tab) while keyboard focus is in the button. The parent can then intervene in the processing of the keystroke by returning a nonzero value. WM_DRAWITEM -------------------- If you specify the BBS_OWNERDRAW style for the button, it sends a WM_DRAWITEM message to its parent window. The lParam of the message contains a far pointer to a DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure. The fields of that structure are described in the Windows SDK documentation for this message, but with the following enhancement: For Windows owner-draw buttons, the itemID field of the DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure is unused. Borland buttons use this field to pass their type. If the button is a default push button, this field contains the value BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON. Otherwise, it contains the value BS_PUSHBUTTON. The other fields and the values passed in them are CtlType ODT_BUTTON CtlID The control ID of the button (GetWindowWord(hWnd, GWW_ID)) itemAction ODA_DRAWENTIRE, unless the repaint is being caused by a focus change, in which case this field contains ODA_FOCUS itemState The combination of the following values, depending on the current state of the button: ODS_FOCUS if the button has keyboard focus ODS_DISABLED if the button is disabled ODS_SELECTED if the button is highlighted hwndItem The window handle of the control hDC A device context for the window, with all values in the default state returned by GetDC rcItem The client rectangle of the control 3.3 Button resource Id numbering scheme -------------------------------------------- The Microsoft resource compiler does not provide user-specified control initialization data when it parses the Windows dialog template data structure. Because of this, Resource Workshop uses the control ID field as a base from which to derive the resource IDs of the bitmaps required by a button. For each bitmap button, there are six images: three for EGA and monochrome devices, and three for VGA and higher-resolution devices. The bitmap resource IDs are derived from the button control using the following formulas: Control ID + 1000: Normal VGA-resolution image Control ID + 3000: Pressed VGA-resolution image Control ID + 5000: Focused VGA-resolution image Control ID + 2000: Normal EGA-resolution image Control ID + 4000: Pressed EGA-resolution image Control ID + 6000: Focused EGA-resolution image 4 BORRADIO control ------------------------- Function: Better-looking radio buttons Class Name: "borradio" ( RADIO_CLASS ) 4.1 Window Styles ---------------------- 4.1.1 Types inherited from standard Windows controls ------------------------------------------------------- BS_RADIOBUTTON ----------------------- A nonautomatic radio button. The button merely informs the application program that it has been "checked" (pressed) via the BN_CLICKED notification. The application is responsible for calling the CheckRadioButton function to change the button's state and the state of the other buttons it is grouped with. BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON --------------------------- An "automatic" radio button. When the user selects one of these buttons, it is automatically marked (with a circle or diamond), and the previously selected button within the group is deselected, without the intervention of the application program. 4.1.2 Types unique to BWCC ----------------------------- [none] 4.1.3 Options inherited from standard Windows controls --------------------------------------------------------- BS_LEFTTEXT -------------------- This option causes the text associated with the button to be displayed to the left of the button, rather than to the right of the button. 4.1.4 Options unique to BWCC ------------------------------- BBS_PARENTNOTIFY ------------------------- This option causes the control to generate the following notification messages at run time: - BBN_SETFOCUS - BBN_SETFOCUSMOUSE - BBN_GOTATAB - BBN_GOTABTAB These notifications are described in section 3.2.4. BBS_OWNERDRAW ---------------------- This option causes the control to send WM_DRAWITEM to its parent at run time, for specialized drawing. 4.2 Messages ----------------- 4.2.1 Commands inherited from standard Windows controls ---------------------------------------------------------- BM_GETCHECK -------------------- This message causes the button to return its current "check" state (the message names and descriptions all use check box imagery). If it is checked (pressed), it returns a nonzero value. Otherwise, it returns zero. BM_SETCHECK -------------------- This message changes the check state of a button. If the wParam of the message is nonzero, the button is checked (filled with a circle or a diamond). BM_GETSTATE -------------------- This message determines whether a button is highlighted, has focus, and whether it is checked. The low-order two bits (0x0003) of the return value contain the check state: 0 indicates unchecked and 1 indicates checked. The 0x0004 bit of the return value indicates that the button is highlighted (drawn with a heavy outline around the circle or diamond); the 0x0008 bit indicates that the button has the focus (a dotted line surrounds the text caption). BM_SETSTATE -------------------- This message changes the highlight state of a button. If the wParam of the message is nonzero, the button is highlighted. 4.2.2 Commands unique to BWCC -------------------------------- [none] 4.2.3 Notifications inherited from standard Windows controls --------------------------------------------------------------- BN_CLICKED ------------------- See the description of BN_CLICKED in section of this file. BN_DOUBLECLICKED ------------------------- See the description of BN_DOUBLECLICKED in section of this file. 4.2.4 Notifications unique to BWCC ------------------------------------- The following notifications are sent to the parent window only if the programmer has specified the BBS_PARENTNOTIFY style. - BBN_SETFOCUS - BBN_SETFOCUSMOUSE - BBN_GOTATAB - BBN_GOTABTAB For a description of these notifications, see section 3.2.4 of this file. WM_DRAWITEM -------------------- The description of this notification is identical to that contained in section, with the following exception: For automatic radio buttons, the itemID field of the DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure contains the value BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON. Otherwise, it contains the value BS_RADIOBUTTON. 5 BORCHECK control ------------------------- Function: Better-looking check boxes Class Name: "borcheck" ( CHECK_CLASS ) 5.1 Window Styles ---------------------- 5.1.1 Types inherited from standard Windows controls ------------------------------------------------------- BS_CHECKBOX -------------------- A nonautomatic check box. Application program intervention is required to change its visual state after it has been "clicked." BS_AUTOCHECKBOX ------------------------ A check box that automatically changes its state when "clicked." BS_3STATE ------------------ A nonautomatic check box that switches between three states: checked, unchecked, and indeterminate. BS_AUTO3STATE ---------------------- An automatic version of BS_3STATE. 5.1.2 Types unique to BWCC ----------------------------- [none] 5.1.3 Options inherited from standard Windows controls --------------------------------------------------------- BS_LEFTTEXT -------------------- This option causes the text associated with the button to be displayed to the left of the button, rather than to the right of the button. 5.1.4 Options unique to BWCC ------------------------------- BBS_PARENTNOTIFY ------------------------- This option causes the control to generate the following notification messages at run time: - BBN_SETFOCUS - BBN_SETFOCUSMOUSE - BBN_GOTATAB - BBN_GOTABTAB BBS_OWNERDRAW ---------------------- This option causes the control to send WM_DRAWITEM to its parent at run time, for specialized drawing. 5.2 Messages ----------------- 5.2.1 Commands inherited from standard Windows controls ---------------------------------------------------------- BM_GETCHECK -------------------- This message causes the control to return its current "check" state. The return value is 0 if the control is unchecked; 1 if checked; and 2 if indeterminate (applies only for 3-state check boxes). BM_SETCHECK -------------------- This message changes the state of a check box. If the wParam of the message is 0, the check box is drawn empty; if 1, the check box is checked; and if 2, it is drawn with with a pattern indicating the indeterminate state. BM_GETSTATE -------------------- This message determines whether a check box is highlighted, has focus, and whether it is checked. The low-order two bits (0x0003) of the return value contain the check state: 0 indicates unchecked; 1 indicates checked; and 2 indicates the indeterminate state for 3-state check boxes. The 0x0004 bit of the return value indicates that the check box is highlighted (drawn with a heavy outline); the 0x0008 bit indicates that the button has the focus (a dotted line surrounds the text caption). BM_SETSTATE -------------------- This message changes the highlight state of a check box. If the wParam of the message is a nonzero value, the check box is highlighted. 5.2.2 Commands unique to BWCC -------------------------------- [none] 5.2.3 Notifications inherited from standard Windows controls --------------------------------------------------------------- BN_CLICKED ------------------- See the description of BN_CLICKED in section of this file. BN_DOUBLECLICKED ------------------------- See the description of BN_DOUBLECLICKED in section of this file. 5.2.4 Notifications unique to BWCC ------------------------------------- The following notifications are sent to the parent window only if the programmer has specified the BBS_PARENTNOTIFY style: - BBN_SETFOCUS - BBN_SETFOCUSMOUSE - BBN_GOTATAB - BBN_GOTABTAB For a description of these notifications, see section 3.2.4 of this file. WM_DRAWITEM -------------------- The description of this notification is identical to that contained in section, with the following exception: For automatic check boxes, the itemID field of the DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure contains the value BS_AUTOCHECKBOX or BS_AUTO3STATE. Otherwise, it contains the value BS_CHECKBOX or BS_3STATE. 6 BORSHADE control ------------------------- Function: panels and dividers Class Name: "borshade" ( SHADE_CLASS ) 6.1 Window styles ---------------------- 6.1.1 Types inherited from standard Windows controls ------------------------------------------------------- [none] 6.1.2 Types unique to BWCC ----------------------------- BSS_GROUP ------------------ This style draws a "chiseled" gray box with a recessed appearance. BSS_RGROUP ------------------- This style draws a "chiseled" gray box with a raised appearance. BSS_HDIP ----------------- This style draws a horizontal dividing line that can be used to separate sections of a dialog box. BSS_VDIP ----------------- This style draws a vertical dividing line that can be used to separate sections of a dialog box. BSS_HBUMP ------------------ This style draws a horizontal dividing line that can be used to separate sections of a gray group shade (BSS_GROUP or BSS_RGROUP). BSS_VBUMP ------------------ This style draws a vertical dividing line that can be used to separate sections of a gray group shade (BSS_GROUP or BSS_RGROUP). 6.1.3 Options inherited from standard Windows controls --------------------------------------------------------- [none] 6.1.4 Options unique to BWCC ------------------------------- BSS_CAPTION ------------------- This option applies only to the BSS_GROUP and BSS_RGROUP types. It causes the caption of the group shade box (if any) to be appear above the recessed (or raised) portion of the box. The dimensions of the box include the caption as well as the box. BSS_CTLCOLOR -------------------- This option applies only to the BSS_GROUP and BSS_RGROUP types. It causes the control to send registered messages to its parent prior to erasing. The parent can then provide a different brush for painting the group box background, and make other changes to the HDC as needed. To use this mechanism, you must first register a special message using the Windows RegisterWindowMessage() API. In the file BWCC.H you will find the following definition: #define BWCC_CtlColor_Shade "BWCC_CtlColor_Shade" Include the following static declaration in your program (the following examples are in C): WORD hCtlColor_Shade; Then, in your application initialization function, register the message: hCtlColor_Shade = RegisterWindowMessage(BWCC_CtlColor_Shade); In your window procedure, dialog box window procedure, or most commonly your dialog procedure, test for the message: if (msg == hCtlColor_Shade) { ... } The parameters for the message are the same as for WM_CTLCOLOR, and the message is handled in the same manner. For example, the text foreground and background colors and the background mode in the HDC may be modified, in order to change the appearance of the caption. A background brush may be also returned. (As with normal WM_CTLCOLOR handling, be sure not to create a new brush every time the message is processed.) In order to return a brush from a dialog procedure (as opposed to from a dialog box window procedure or a window procedure), you must place the value of the brush into offset DWL_MSGRESULT in the window structure with SetWindowLong() and then return TRUE. Here is an example: if (msg == hCtlColor_Shade) { SetTextColor( (HDC) wParam, RGB(255,0,0) ); // red text SetBkColor( (HDC) wParam, RGB(128,128,128) ); // gray SetBkMode ( (HDC) wParam, OPAQUE); SetWindowLong( hwndDlg, DWL_MSGRESULT, GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH) ); return TRUE; } The Windows include files provide a macro that combines the last two steps: SetDlgMsgResult(hwnd, msg, result), which you would use with hCtlColor_Shade as the second parameter. BSS_NOPREFIX -------------------- This option applies only to the BSS_GROUP and BSS_RGROUP types, and is the equivalent of the SS_NOPREFIX option for static text: it causes any ampersands (&) within the caption to be treated as normal characters, rather than causing the next character to be underlined. BSS_LEFT, BSS_CENTER, BSS_RIGHT --------------------------------------- These options apply only to the BSS_GROUP and BSS_RGROUP types, and control the horizontal placement of the caption. 6.2 Messages ----------------- 6.2.1 Commands inherited from standard Windows controls ---------------------------------------------------------- [none] 6.2.2 Commands unique to BWCC -------------------------------- RegisterWindowMessage(BWCC_CtlColor_Shade) --------------------------------------------------- See the description of this message in section 7 BORSTATIC control -------------------------- Function: static text with a gray background Class Name: "borstatic" ( STATIC_CLASS ) 7.1 Window styles ---------------------- 7.1.1 Types inherited from standard Windows controls ------------------------------------------------------- SS_LEFT ---------------- The text is left-justified within the control. SS_RIGHT ----------------- The text is right-justified within the control. SS_CENTER ------------------ The text is center-justified within the control. SS_SIMPLE ------------------ The text is left-justified in a single line within the control and does not word wrap. SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP -------------------------- The text is left-justified within the control and does not word wrap. 7.1.2 Types unique to BWCC ----------------------------- [none] 7.1.3 Options inherited from standard Windows controls --------------------------------------------------------- SS_NOPREFIX -------------------- Ampersands (&) within the text do not cause the following character to be underlined. 7.1.4 Options unique to BWCC ------------------------------- [none] 8 BORDLG dialog class ---------------------------- Function: "Turbo" fast dialog box drawing Class Name: "bordlg" ( BORDLGCLASS ) This custom dialog window class implements the "turbo painting" of Borland custom controls by keeping its own private list of controls within a dialog box and painting those controls itself. It also automatically provides a patterned background on VGA and higher-resolution displays. If you want your dialogs to have the "Borland look," specify this dialog class in your dialog box template. (As an alternative to specifying "bordlg" as the class, you may also call BWCCDefDlgProc(), as discussed in section 1 of this file). 8.1 Window Styles ---------------------- 8.1.1 Types inherited from standard Windows controls ------------------------------------------------------- All valid styles for a standard Windows dialog box. 8.1.2 Types unique to BWCC ----------------------------- [none] 8.2 Messages ----------------- 8.2.1 Commands inherited from standard Windows controls ---------------------------------------------------------- WM_CTLCOLOR -------------------- If the user has provided a dialog procedure, it is called with the WM_CTLCOLOR message. If it returns a non-zero value, then no further processing takes place, and that value is returned. Otherwise, the processing depends on which CTCOLOR value is specified. For list boxes, the background is set to a gray brush. For static and button controls, the background mode is set to transparent; the text color to COLOR_WINDOWTEXT; for non- monochrome monitors, the background color is set to COLOR_GRAYTEXT; and a gray background brush is returned. For CTLCOLOR_DLG, the steel-gray dialog background brush is returned, but it is first unrealized and the origin of the HDC is reset to match the dialog box. For other CTLCOLOR values, DefWindowProc() is called and its value returned. WM_NCCREATE -------------------- This message sets up a structure, which is attached as a property to the dialog window. As Borland controls are then created, they will register themselves with the dialog window, and information about each control will be added to this structure. This is the mechanism used to provide turbo-painting. After attaching the structure, WM_NCCREATE calls DefDlgProc() and returns its value. WM_ERASEBKGND ---------------------- This message first sends a WM_CTLCOLOR message with CTLCOLOR_DLG to the user's dialog procedure (if any) to get a background brush for the dialog. If zero is returned, the chiseled-steel brush is used. But before painting the background, the control structure is iterated and any Borland group shades and Borland static text controls are painted with a gray background (for speed). (Note, however, that the brush used for group shades may be modified by an additional CTLCOLOR-like message, as described in section The background brush is realigned with the top left corner of the dialog window and the dialog background is painted with it, excluding any rectangles that were painted for group shades and static text controls. Finally, WM_ERASEBKGND returns TRUE, to indicate to Windows that no further erasing is necessary. WM_PAINT ----------------- This message iterates through the control structure described above and paints each of the Borland controls. For each control that is painted, its window is validated, so that it won't itself get WM_PAINT or WM_ERASE messages. After all Borland controls are painted, a thin frame is drawn around the dialog to provide a sense of depth, and zero is returned. WM_DESTROY ------------------- This message simply frees the control list attached to the dialog window and then calls DefDlgProc(), returning its value. 8.2.2 Commands unique to BWCC -------------------------------- [none] 9 Using BWCC controls in nondialog windows ------------------------------------------------- If you want your nondialog windows to look like the BorDlg windows (with the steel-gray background and light gray background for static controls), BWCC.DLL provides two functions that replace the Windows standard "Def" window functions and that should be called in place of them: - For MDI child windows, call BWCCDefMDIChildProc instead of the Windows standard function DefMDIChildProc. - For all other windows, call BWCCDefWindowProc instead of the Windows standard function DefWindowProc. As described earlier for BWCCDefDlgProc, your window proc must call either BWCCDefMDIChildProc or BWCCDefWindowProc for the following messages: - WM_CTLCOLOR - WM_NCCREATE - WM_NCDESTROY - WM_PAINT - WM_ERASEBKGND Note: BWCC does not provide a replacement function for DefFrameProc. 10 Miscellaneous functions -------------------------------- BWCC.DLL exports three additional functions that you might find useful. 10.1 BWCCGetVersion ------------------------ This function, which takes no parameters, returns the current version of BWCC.DLL. The value it returns is defined in BWCC.H as BWCCVERSION. 10.2 BWCCGetPattern ------------------------ This function, which takes no parameters, returns a handle to the brush used to paint the background of BorDlg class dialogs. Since this brush could be a patterned brush, you must align it by calling UnrealizeObject and SetBrushOrg before selecting it into a device context. Do not delete this brush by calling DeleteObject! 10.3 BWCCMessageBox ------------------------ This function, which is call-compatible with the Windows standard function MessageBox, displays a message box that is consistent with the Borland dialog box style. ========= END OF FILE BWCCAPI.RW =========